Where can we go to the beach from Rome for a day trip or perhaps one overnight? We want to go in early September. Will it be warm enough to swim then? Thank you!
I think Lido di Ostia is the closest, easy to get to by public transportation. You could have a long day at the beach and get back to Rome without another hotel check-in/out. Don't know about swimming weather.
Santa Marinella is prettier than Ostia Lido. More info here: http://www.revealedrome.com/2011/05/beach-in-rome-santa-marinella-italy.html
Most conveniently located to be reached by public transport: Lido di Ostia. Also the most crowded on weekends. Most beautiful are those areas in the province of Latina: Sabaudia, San Felice Circeo, Sperlonga. A little farther however and harder to get to without a car.
Santa Marinella and Fregene are a reasonable compromise. They are not as crowded as Ostia Lido, yet easy to reach with public transport.
I agree Santa Marinella is beautiful and Ostia gets pretty crowded. I also think Ostia tends to have more American tourists, which may or may not bother you. I like the towns surrounding Lake Bracciano (Bracciano is one of the towns). It is an easy day trip from Rome. Walk down to the beach is probably about 20 minutes but a bus is available. The sand is not white sand-it almost looks like dirt and that may turn some people off. But I think the lake is beautiful and some of the cleanest water I have swam in. The town is cute too. It should be plenty warm in September for swimming.
We were in Ostia Lido in late May in 2011 and didn't see another American tourist anywhere. That said, I would still recommend Marinella over Ostia.