What are the options for getting from Basel to lake Como?
Good place to start researching your transit options is
There are direct trains taking 4 hours to Como S Giovanni station, from where you can reach Como town and the south-western arm of the lake by bus or ferry
If you are going to Menaggio, it might be a little bit faster to stop at Lugano and take bus C12 to Menaggio.
If you are going to the eastern side of the lake, stay on the train to Milan Centrale and take another train towards Tirano, passing by Mandello, Varenna, etc.
Varenna can also be reached by ferry from Menaggio.
easy - train Basel to Zurich HB, change for a train to Milano Centrale, get off at the first stop beyond the Italian border, Como S Giovanni.
You can look up connections and buy tickets at www.sbb.ch
Badger, www.Sbb.ch is not an English language page
Add /en at the end of the address for English