We have had significant problems while in the Cinque Terre using a debit card with a Canadian chip and pin. We could not find any machines that would accept our debut ATM cards where Visa Plus is required.. Very few restaurants and no grocery stores will accept credit or debit cards. In the end we took the train to La Spezia. We tried two machines in La Spezia with no success, even though one had Visa Plus. Finally success at Deutsche Bank! There is one merchant in Manarola who is setting up a bank machine mid May 2016 that will take Visa Plus.
So recommendations: 1. take enough cash in euros to allow you to manage restaurants, groceries, train fares etc. 2. Do not count on being able to use any cash machines in Cinque Terre. Our cards would only work at bank machines displaying the Visa Plus symbol. Cirrus will not work. In the Cinque Terre all the Bancomat machines are Credit Agricole that have Cirrus but do not have Visa Plus. 3. If you get stuck, take the train to La Spezia and go directly to the Deutsche Bank, 9, Via Del Carmine.