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Bank in Harrisburg PA to exchange Euros

Does anyone know a bank in Harrisburg PA area that will exchange our Euros for dollars??? We were unable to get them exchanged before leaving Italy. Thanks Gwen

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466 posts

Most any large bank will change them. My mom lives in a very small town in S.W. PA and Mellon bank changed hers. Harrisburg is the Capital, you should have no trouble changing your Euros. Good luck!!!!

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192 posts

If you plan on returning to Europe you may want to save them for your next trip. The exchange rate at your bank will not be good.

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1317 posts

You can also try selling them on craigslist or to a friend/relative heading to Europe. Better exchange rate and less fees that way.

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23547 posts

Exchanging at a US bank will cost in the range of 8 to 10%. Tell your travel agent, and exchange with someone going abroad at the current exchange rate and it will be a great deal for both of you.

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12313 posts

You can exchange at any commercial bank. The rate won't be that great and they will only exchange larger bills (can't remember if they start at 10 euro or higher).