Anyone know of Bancomat ATMs in Rome Centre, especially around Termini, that dispense more than 250 Euro at a time? I pay a transaction fee for each transaction and so I prefer withdrawing my allowable max 420 Euro at a time.
Bank name, street names, intersections, or near something would help.
That's pretty much the standard limit per ATM transaction, I'm afraid. Are you already in Rome? If not, have you considered setting up and account that does not charge for transactions?
Hi Michael,
Yes I'm living in Rome now. A few years ago I'd routinely withdraw 500 Euro at a time, especially in Rome Centre, is that not possible anymore? Sure helped manage those transaction fees.
€250 per transaction (or sometimes even €200) appears to be the limit in Italy. Very annoying.
There is nothing to stop you doing two transactions, but, as you say, you then get two transaction charges.
And if you try to withdraw too much, it doesn't give you a sensible message, just "transaction not allowed", not exactly helpful.
This is an Italian peculiarity. I haven't hit limits in other countries.
Hi Chris F,
Wow! I'm kinda surprised that things changed so quickly. This is going to take some adjustment for me, but thanks for the information on this.
If you are a customer of the bank you withdraw from, I think the limit is at least 500 euro. For sure my bank, CR Firenze, which is part of the Banca Intesa San Paolo group, allows me to w/d 500 for sure (or maybe 1000, I don't recall) at any bank part of the group.
With a foreign ATM, I'm pretty sure most limit you at 250. Do you have a local bank there? Open an account and use that bank's ATMs.
Hi Roberto,
My job starts next month and I was planning to open a Poste Italiane bank account for that. Right now I'm with Chase Bank, and this tiny withdrawal limit is coming as a shock. Had no idea.
Not to ask a dumb question, but are these bancomats attached to a bank or stand alone units? We travel in Italy every year, frequently Roma, and have never had this problem.
Is this a recent development?
Buon viaggio,
Hi RB,
I've been using ATMs sttached to a bank. But if there are any renegade stand-alone ATMs in Rome that allow withdrawals higher than 250 Euro, I'm game!
I just got a post from EXPATS LIVING IN ROME Facebook page that I can use my Chase Bank card at Poste Italiane ATMs for withdrawals up to 500 Euro! So for sure I can do my 420 Euro withdrawals. And there's a Poste Italiane at Termini.
Try the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena ATM on the Piazza Della Rotonda (Pantheon square, near Armando al Pantheon restaurant). I got 300 euros from that ATM the night before we left Rome last month. I don't know if it would have given me more. As an aside, I was able to get 300 euros and then 400 euros out of UniCredit ATM's in Italy on two earlier occasions. I believe those ATM's charged fees, but I was using my Charles Schwab card, so I didn't worry about it because Charles Schwab reimburses for those fees. I had no idea that there might be special limits imposed on withdrawals in Italy.
Thanks for the detailed information Debbie P. I'll record these names and locations. I was just at the Pantheon.
Using a Schwab ATM card attached to their no fee checking account is a cogent strategy to eliminate withdrawal fees. They will reimburse the fees at the end of each month. We've used Schwab for years and have been satisfied with their services.
Buon viaggio,
Ok good to know RB. I'll look into this.
I was going to recommend Poste Italiane, glad you found it!
Hi Zoe,
Yes Poste Italiane and a bank named intesa San Paolo, something like that, also around Termini, name is in my notes, I'll know it before I leave out tomorrow, which is already today here!
I can say now do NOT attempt to put a Chase Debit Card in a Poste Italiane Postemat. I thank the line behind me and the employees of the Poste Italiane at Termini for picking up the pieces and putting me back together. They were Amazing!
I did have success at BNL, a big beautiful bank at Via Marsala 6, just walk W - - - N away from Termini down Via Marsala, not that far. That BNL has a big beautiful corner alcove shading a new Bancomat ATM that works like a charm. Withdrawing 400 Euro easy peasy. I got my money, got my card back, got my receipt.
I never saw Banca Intesa Sanpaolo anywhere around Termini, the internet shows 4 locations with addresses, but I have no idea where they are.
For now it's BNL for me!
"This is an Italian peculiarity. I haven't hit limits in other countries."
I did, in Portugal. When I went there in September 2002, the limit was €200, at every ATM I tried. When I asked at one tourist office, the woman there said this was not just me doing something wrong, or using the wrong ATM's - it was a country-wide limitation. I've read that it's been increased, but is still low (I remember someone saying €300).
Oh Wow, thanks for this Harold, I'm barely surviving Italia. This morning by 11:00, the Postemat at Termini had eaten my Chase Debit Card, gave me No money, and still debited my Chase Account, and No receipt for all that devious activity!
I can truly say that I was headed for the basket but for the people in line behind me who stepped up, put me in contact with the clerks inside Poste Italiane who went into action immediately and made everything right again, in a few minutes. A man I'd not seen outside came up to me where I was sitting, waiting my turn, said get up and follow him, no waiting he said, gave some instructions to several people behind the counter, and in a few seconds I signed for my card. The debit appeared credited when I checked my iPhone later. Like Magic!
A few of the people in line were waiting for me outside and instructed me to look for Bancomat Not Postemat! They were ALL so AWESOME!