Looking for recommendations for luggage storage for 4-5 carry-on size bags for about 7 hours. Seeing mixed reviews and not sure how far ahead we need to plan for this. Thanks!
Unless you are on a budget, I'd just use the KiPoint staffed deposit inside the station. Like hundreds of thousands have being doing for ages. It's expensive, expect to pay around 60 €.
Bookings here https://www.kibag.it/deposito-bagagli-napoli/deposito-kipoint-napoli-centrale/
I will also need to store luggage in or near Napoli Centrale Station in July. The website for Kibag says in the FAQ that they don't accept "technological material (iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Tablet, PC, smartphone)." We will need to store such items including a laptop computer (that's sort of the point, so we don't have to carry everything valuable around with us while we tour Naples). Does anyone know if this is just some boilerplate limitation to limit their liability? Or does anyone have another suggestion?
Many thanks!
We use Bounce. There are several near Napoli Centrale. €5 for 24 hr.