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Backpacks not allowed at Uffizi, Accademia and Vatican?

We heard recently that you are not allowed to enter the Uffizi or Accademia museums in Florence, or the Vatican Museum in Rome if you have a backpack. We are used to checking our backpack, but this person was saying that they will just turn you away. We coudl not find any mention of this in the Rick Steves Italy book. Does anyone have any experience with this? We usually are sightseeing for the entire day, so we bring a day pack with lunch, jackets, etc. Thanks!

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32318 posts


I'm assuming that the rules may have changed, as I don't recall any restrictions on Backpacks (Daypacks) when I visited the Museums you mentioned. The one exception was the Borghese Gallery in Rome - they were VERY strict and just about everything had to be checked, including Packs, Purses, Waist Packs, large Cameras, etc. At the other locations there was "airport style" security, complete with X-Ray scanners and armed Guards. I recall that one of the Museums in Florence wouldn't allow bottled water either (can't remember if it was the Uffizi or Accademia?).

This must be a very new rule, as I couldn't find any reference to it in the "Guidebook Updates" section on this website. Hopefully someone here will have some further information.

Posted by
1317 posts

For most places (again, Borghese is an exception), if it is a backpack-style bag on your back you may be forced to check it. If it is a shoulder bag, i.e., looks like a purse, you can usually carry it. Dad & I had no trouble keeping our shoulder bags at the Vatican Museum, Uffizi, or Accademia. The smaller the bag, the better chance you can keep it, but mine was a pretty good-sized tote and no one gave it a second glance.

We didn't even wait for a tour group to exit out the shortcut. No one was there so we just strolled right out and nobody said a word.

Posted by
2207 posts

You are now required to check backpacks when entering the Vatican Museum. As you come through the X-Ray machines you will be directed, if you have a backpack or oversize bag, to check your item at the bag check to the right of the security area. Frankly, many folks just ignore this and head up the stairs and buy their tickets. At the entry point (turnstiles after the ticket booths) some folks DO get sent back downstairs... but not often.

The downside of having to check your bag is you cannot exit out of the right door of the Sistine Chapel and head to St. Perter's Basilica.... because you have to walk back to the Museum entrance through the vatican library to get your backpack! So leave those big bags at the hotel if you want to save a lot of walking! I have not been to the Museums in Florence in about a year but would imagine they are doing the same type of requirement. The current head of the Vatican Museum USED TO run the Uffizi!


Posted by
255 posts

Don't remember about the Accademia, but I do seem to recall that backpacks had to be checked at the Uffizi when we were there in October.

Also, the door Ron mentions at the Vatican Museums for exit to the Basilica now states that it is for tour groups only....although I must admit to a "mea culpa" as we "cheated" and attached ourselves to the end of a tour group only so that we could use that exit. It was very crowded that day and since my back surgery, I sometimes have difficulty standing/walking for extended periods.

Posted by
2207 posts

Judy is correct ... the door is for "groups only" and always has been, but frankly they do not enforce it... It will save you from having to walk back through the library and around the outside of the wall. As you head out the door and down the stairs lean way out over the rope that hangs along the left side at the first large landing and you cans see the Swiss Guard at the bottom of the stairs!

Posted by
7737 posts

When we were in Bologna we could not take our day pack inside the main duomo. And there was no place to check it. However, the guard was letting in people with purses and messenger bags that were at least as large as the day pack. When we asked him why those bags were let in, but not ours, he just shrugged his shoulders.

Posted by
101 posts

We were at the Uffizi at the end of September and they made my husband check his backpack. Right as you are walking in there is a sign that says bag check and it was quick and painless. I cant remember if he had to check it at the Accademia or not.

Posted by
87 posts


If your backpack is large you will have to check it, but I've done this numerous times at a variety of museums in Italy and it's never been a problem--very efficient. I've never heard of anyone being turned away because they had a bag--you'll just be required to check it. Some museums are stricter than others--if its a small backpack or shoulder bags, a lot of museums will let you get by. Depends on the day and the guard. Be prepared to check it just in case. Careful at the Vatican Museums--there are a few different exits and you want to make sure you return to the one that has your bag check!

Good luck!

Posted by
18 posts

I was in all those museums two weeks ago. Uffizi, you will need to check the bags or backpack, no exceptions, same in the Vatican museums. Accademia, they will check and scan the bags and will let you take it in.

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1158 posts

I didn't have to check my day backpack at Vatican just this past October.They only x-rayed it.
I don't know about the other 2.

Posted by
151 posts

Thank you all for your replies. This has been a great help. Happy holidays and happy travels!