As you may know, I'm still dealing with the thieving travel agent who stole our money for last year's Trail of the Lippizaners tour. It won't be resolved for several more months at least. While none of us don't expect to be reimbursed, insurance refuses my claim and I have to save up for another tour, I'm dreaming and hoping to go to Italy maybe next year. (If you don't know what I'm referring to there are several threads outlining the horrid events.) Please indulge my fantasy.
I think you all are great, have learned so much from you all and RS tours seems to be the way to go. There are currently age-related and solo traveler threads and I'm sure I can handle the activity. After all at 67 I clean my horse's stall, ride a bit and walk a bit even though my back twinges quite often.
Back to back tours seem the way to go since airfare becomes proportionately less per tour. I figure I will only be able to travel once and want to make as many memories as possible. My hubby isn't interested in anything that involves an airplane; my friend who I was going to travel with is so bummed about the lost tour that she doesn't want to travel now. Anyway, I think the Venice-Florence-Rome tour lets me see part of what I missed (Venice) and I would follow that with Southern Italy because my hubby's grandparents are from the heel. A few days rest between tours in Rome would reenergize me. Does this sound doable?
Comments and encouragement will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I deleted my Go Fund Me thought. Too bizarre and not practical.