I booked a room at the Hotel Balestri b/c of a recommendation from a travel agent. It's on the right bank of the Arno River. Rate is 95 euro a night so I'm assuming this is a smaller room w/no river view. Not bad but as I'm poking around tonight, I checked out some B&Bs and there are a few that are still available in the Piazza della Repubblica area right by the Duomo (and closer to the train station). Some rates are actually cheaper as well - averaging 85 euro; some are slightly higher than the Balestri. Looking for advice -- would this be a better place to stay or should I stick with the hotel? If anyone has B&B recommendations that are centrally located, I'd love the suggestions as well. Here are a few I've found: the Repubblica, Magnifico Messere, Soggiorno La Cupola. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! =)