I have what I can only describe as an "agreement" that when I arrive at a (very nice and well-reviewed, including in a certain travel book series whose initials are "LP") B&B in Sicily, I will have a room. I don't have a reservation number, I haven't been asked for a credit card number - the owner has simply assured me that he is holding a room for me. I arrive Tuesday, September 10.
I would really like to stay at this place, but this does make me nervous - it's why I normally book through 3rd-party sites where you get an itinerary, booking number, etc.
I have another B&B booked as a back-up, and I can cancel by Sunday 11:59 Italy time. I'd rather stay at this place, but I felt like there's a risk I might arrive and find I'm, to use a word Rick might not like, screwed.
Is this arrangement unusual with B&Bs, or is it more common than I realize? Am I being nervous for nothing?
Please , I'd really appreciate any advice.