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Auto Europe Car Rental

I just reserved a car rental for 2 weeks in Italy for September from Auto Europe. Based on some recent posts, thought I'd share some information. We normally use Auto Europe or Kemwel, depending on who has the best deals.

  1. Great deal- Only $334 for Economy car (2 weeks), zero deductible for Collision and theft. Pickup/drop off in Stresa

  2. First time seeing this question during reservation process. If you are driving outside of "X" countries, list here. Austria wasn't listed so added that to the box. When reservation was submitted, said an agent would review to confirm the added country was covered. Only took 5 minutes and then had my voucher from Auto Europe.

  3. Reservation form- before submitting clearly said that there would be a hold of 190 Euros on the card as a deposit. Also clearly stated in Rental terms.

  4. The email with the voucher received stated in RED:
    Please note that driving laws have recently changed and an International Driving Permit (IDP) is now required in Italy.

  5. Other rental terms- 79.30 Administration fee in even of damage or theft (even with zero deductable)

  6. Other rental terms- Traffic administration fee of 79.30 Euros in event of traffic fine.

Hope this is helpful.

Posted by
33582 posts

The email with the voucher received stated in RED:
Please note that driving laws have recently changed and an International Driving Permit (IDP) is now required in Italy.

They are so up with the times!! 1968 is so incredibly recent!

Posted by
27708 posts

That admin fee us substantially higher than anything I remember being reported on this forum. Multiple tickets would be majorly costly with a $90 admin fee on top of the fine.

Posted by
872 posts

Admin fees run around €60, but of course the remedy is not to speed nor drive into ZTLs.

Posted by
10559 posts

The voucher states what the rental company has conveyed. Which company because AE is a consolidator not the rental company (as I’m sure you already know).

The two fees, #5 and 6, are rental company charges, not AutoEurope fees. But 79.30 for a ZTL infraction is stiff.

Posted by
1635 posts

Rental car is from Avis. Only rental office in Stresa, so only option. That being said I wouldn’t make decision on rental due to admin fee.

Knock on wood, but have yet to receive a ticket from multiple European car rentals. We error on the side of caution with speed, and always park away from city centre by programming parking lots into GPS, not hotel, not city name.

Posted by
3262 posts

As the time for your trip nears, go to the AutoEurope and Kemwel websites and see what the rental rate is. They change. I have saved over $160 on rentals by doing that. Just call the toll free line of either company and they will reduce your rate. AutoEurope will honor lower Kemwel rate as well.

Posted by
15900 posts

79€ admin fee to communicate your name to authorities in the event of a fine is higher than average. Europcar charges €40 or 45, and I believe Hertz is the same or just about.
Next time you rent in your area, be aware that Hertz is in Omegna, which is just as close as Stresa.
I know there is a city bus between the Verbania train station to Omegna, because I took it. I know the Verbania-Pallanza station is a bit out of town, but I’m sure you can find a bus that can take you to the station and maybe there is a bus that goes from the center of Verbania to Omegna without having to change buses at the station.
Ask around.

Posted by
3262 posts

Last October I rented from Hertz with $0 deductible in Turin. Customized a rear quarter panel in the Piedmont. They did not charge an admin fee.

Posted by
1635 posts

Thanks. I didn't know a Hertz was in Omegna. It's surprising that with a population of 30,000, Verbania doesn't have a car rental location. The bus to the Stazione, which we know all too well, goes to Omegna.

We only can drive legally until Nov 11, when we will have been Italian residents for a year. No intention of attempting to get Italian driver's licenses. After that, it's public transportation only.

Posted by
1635 posts

Cheapest Hertz rental in Omegna is $636 for two weeks. Auto Europe or Kemwel doesn't rent cars out of Omegna either.