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ATMs - Naples Airport

What is a good Bank ATM to obtain Euros from inside the Naples Airport and, if possible, where is it located?

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7943 posts

There are ATMs at the airport. To be honest, I think people put way too much faith in a "bank" ATM, not sure what you are hoping the advantage it will have, but fees are likely and DCC to be offered, independent of whether it is a bank atm.

Anyway, you want to look for a MultiBanco machine. This is the unified ATM network used by banks and ATM operators. You likely will be charged a fee of a few euros, and may be offered DCC. Decline DCC, do the transaction in euros and off you go. You do not need many euros, have 50 or so on you, card usage by Tap is the norm now.

Even the dreaded Euronet machines will give you much the same result, but always a fee, maybe a euro or two higher than a MultiBanco machine, and always an offer of DCC

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5153 posts

Have you considered getting a hundred euros from you bank before you go? Many say currencey is rarely needed, but there are still times it is. Getting euros before you leave eliminates the problem of trying to find an ATM, waiting in line use it, praying it works (they do malfunction and / or run out of money at times), and doing all that while jet lagged. And the extra few dollars it cost to get euros from the bank is really just peanuts compared to the overall cost of the trip. If you do plan to use ATMs abroad, check with your bank to see if you need to place a travel alert on the account. So banks do and some don't. You don't want the bank to see a foreign transaction, think it is fraud, and lock down the account. Just food for thought.

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2389 posts

hey hey rlightfoot2
totally agree with TC. I got 200E here in the states before flying to europe. made sure I had them we arrived for any necessities that needed cash.
few years ago landed in rome along with 3 other US flights (hundreds of people) getting off plane & rushing to the 2 ATMs. one had a sign on it “broken!” with long line at other hoping didn’t run out of money, being in a fog from jet lag. borrowed from my friend till we got in rome central and paid her back.
lesson learned, always get the few euros (get small bills 5, 10, 20’s) I need before departing. was so worth spending the fee, less than $20, at my bank.
another tip when withdrawing, get an odd number (not 100, maybe 80/90/95), got 100 once and got hundred dollar bill, hard to get change and a few places didn’t want them, taking their small bills, used at a restaurant for lunch/dinner.
don’t want to start holiday being stressed out looking for an ATM. stressed spelled backwards=desserts!!
have fun and enjoy naples, a little gritty, crazy & crowded but we had a fabulous day trip walking the small alleyways, window shopping, beautiful old architecture, nice people, eating pizza and all the other goodies in the street markets.