I cant recall if I read somewhere that when you withdraw money fromt the ATM's in Italy it must be from the checking account. My credit union says I can use both savings and checking. anyone know the answer?
I've never seen an ATM in Europe that gave a choice between checking and savings. You'd be wise to put all your travel funds into your checking account, and to make sure your credit union designates your checking account as the "primary" account.
shanika, I agree with Tom. I've also never seen an ATM that provided a choice. ATM's always use whichever account is designated as the "primary" account. I suspect the staff at your Credit Union are perhaps not completely up to speed on ATM use in Europe.
Ok, thanks I will ask my cu to desigante checking as primary. I leave on monday and i want to be fully prepared.
Yes, only checking account. I have this problem three weeks ago in Italy. I have to call my bank to transfer money from saving to checking account.