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ATM Stowing Cash in Money Belt

I have read everything I could find on this topic and did not find a satisfactory answer to this question. What do you do with your cash when removing it from an ATM until you are able to get to a place where you can get it into your money belt? Aren't thieves targeting ATM's and the people walking away form them? Thanks.

Posted by
162 posts

While we were in Rome we used an ATM that you went inside attached to a bank and put our money away right there and when we were in Venice we wound up having to use freestanding ATMS. When we did, my fiance took the money out and put it in his hidden wallet right away right there and I stood just looking around...I mean we never felt an immediate threat as if people were standing there waiting to attack us at all. We never felt ppl staring or following us...As long as your cautious you should be fine.

Posted by
1633 posts

We use ATMs on the street or in the banks. We look around us before, during and after using the machine. My husband stands around me and we immediately stash the cash in our money belts.

Posted by
687 posts

Some of us travel solo, so the partner on guard method doesn't work. If I can find an ATM inside a bank I use that (better in any case in case your card gets eaten) and stash the cash while I'm inside the bank. Otherwise I choose one near where I'm staying, or at least near a public rest room (mall or museum preferred) and head straight for that, on high security alert. Daylight hours on weekdays also preferred. I think you are more a risk of a compromised ATM and someone trying to get your PIN code than from an actual attack on the street in Europe.

Posted by
435 posts

I only use ATMs that are inside a bank. I put my money inside the money belt while I'm standing in front of the machine and don't turn around and leave until the belt is zipped up and tucked away. My husband stands next to me to be sure there are no lurkers too.

Posted by
32417 posts

Karen, I normally use a secure inner pocket for "interim storage" of cash until I can get back to the Hotel (or other private location). Since the pocket is inside, it's not as readily accessible to prying fingers. I also try to take note of anyone in the vicinity of the ATM prior to withdrawing the cash, especially those that seem to be "lurking" with no apparent reason for being there. Cheers!

Posted by
7737 posts

There seems to be a misconception among some travelers to Italy that it's loaded with thieves who stand ready to mug you as soon as you do anything related to money (e.g. use an ATM or reach into your money belt/neck wallet). It's just not true. Italy is one of the safest countries on the planet as long as you use reasonable precautions (meaning, don't go around with bills hanging out of your pockets). The much bigger danger is pickpockets, which is why I put my ATM money into my neckpurse while still standing at the machine, regardless of time or day. But I do choose machines that are connected to banks and in a safe (non-crowded) area.

Posted by
23727 posts

Karen, you are reading too many posts about pickpocket. I have not seen or read about anyone having problems around an ATM. I suppose it could happen but it is not high on anyone's list. I simply take the money, double count for accuracy, and quickly put the money in a secured pocket - generally a zipper pocket on my pants - and quickly walk away. Generally we get cash just prior to returning to the hotel or stopping for lunch or somewhere we will have access to a restroom. I wear my money belt in such a manner that is very difficult to gain access without partly undressing so I cannot access at the ATM. As soon as I can gain some privacy, I will transfer to the money belt but in between I am just very careful about where I am going.

Posted by
494 posts

How much money do you all take out at a time that you are so worried? I take normal precautions. Take money out of an ATM; put into my purse as I do here at home and be on my way.

Posted by
27 posts

I did not use a money belt while in Italy (May '10). I took normal precautions and did not get "huge" amounts of cash from any ATM's (usually only between 50 & 100 Euros as needed). While my daughter lost her card (we think she left it at a motorway rest stop) we called the bank and had it deactivated (no harm done). So, normal precautions, no paranoia required!

Posted by
687 posts

I usually take out the equivalent of $200 - $300, thus cutting down the number of visits. One of my ATM cards doesn't carry fees, but one does, and the fewer uses the better. I'm not paranoid, just careful.

Posted by
11 posts

Thank you all for replying!
The plan is to take as much out at a time as allowed. We will ask our bank to increase our limit. I understand that some banks in Italy have a 500 euro limit. Some hotels request payment in cash.

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23727 posts

It is a single withdraw limit and it can be as low as 250E. Often on the weekends in high tourist areas so that the ATM is not quickly drained of cash. We routinely take 500E from an ATM with no problems.

Posted by
687 posts

If the limit is associated with the ATM rather than with your bank you can often make multiple withdrawals to get round the limit.

Posted by
2787 posts

If I was trying to make reservations for more than 2 or 3 nights at a hotel (not a B&B or a Pension) and they did not accept credit cards I would be looking elsewhere. I often end up getting $ from free standing ATMs - not my first choice which is at a bank - where I look around the immediate area, get my $ and immediately put it into a upper zippered shirt pocket until I can get to a safe place to access my money belt. I sure seem to end up getting a lot more money out of ATMs when I am not on one of RS tours.

Posted by
162 posts

Karen, Regarding how much we took out, on our first day there we took out something like E280 on Monday and that lasted us until Wednesday night and the ONLY reason we took money out that night was b/c we hit a pub with a fellow traveler and wanted to have extra euros on us...We didn't need to tap mac yet... With that money we took out Wednesday night we also ate out on Thursday and Friday night before we left for Venice Saturday morning. We definitely followed the whole shopping at the supermarkets, picnics outside and in the room, small meals where we split food, etc...The place we stayed in Rome we paid for our whole stay ahead of time. We only tapped mac in Venice three times, twice with both accounts the first day to pay for our b&b as she didn't take cc's b/c she is a small place and wasn't able to take payments that didn't bother us at all about paying her cash as she didn't expect any deposit to hold our reservation and still held it with no problem when we had to change the dates of our trip...Then once more to shop for gifts! Sorry so long, hope it helped!!