This question is going to sound a little crazy, but I’m still wondering about some of the ATM machines I encountered during my recent trip to Italy. The first ATM I tried to use in Verona went through the normal prompts of language change, etc. but then there was no option that clearly stated prompts “to withdraw money”. It had options to make payments and others choices that didn’t apply to me. I cancelled and removed my card. The next ATM had the normal options I needed, and I obtained my Euros.
Then when I was in Montepulciano, I ran into the same issue with the first two ATMs as stated above. The third one (by that time I was near the bottom of the hill) had the normal prompts that I’ve had in the past, and I obtained the euros needed.
At Lucca, the ATM I used went through the normal prompts but when it went to the last prompt, it tried to make the transaction a cash advance instead of a normal withdrawal from the bank account. Luckily my ATM card isn’t linked to a credit card, so there was no risk of a true cash advance.
Has anyone else been running into any odd questions/prompts while using an ATM machine recently? All of these ATM’s were located on the front walls of banks.