So thanks to another thread here, I went ahead and applied for one of the no foreign transaction fee credit cards to avoid those during my trip. However, I still have questions on the best way to reduce ATM fees. For one thing, I read somewhere that my bank needs to use the PLUS, Cirrus or Maestro networks to work in Italy. My credit union ATM card just has logos for co-op and STAR. Is that going to be a problem? What if I wanted to use a cash advance on a credit card (the new travel card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees) instead? Any chance that's cheaper? (My bank says it charges $4.50 plus 2% per ATM transaction, plus whatever the bank there will charge.) Also, my bank says I have a $500 daily withdrawal limit, but I read that there is a $250 limit at most Italian banks (not sure if this info is current.) True?
I guess I'm a little concerned because my daughter was a summer exchange student in Italy years ago and never could get her ATM card to work, even with her host mother helping her inside the bank. I had to eventually wire money! We were in the UK with the same ATM card in 2014 though and had no issues. Advice?