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ATM Card Help

We are in Italy (first time) and our Cap One money market card keeps getting rejected. Last night it worked at one bank, but today I tried it at probably five or six different banks and it was rejected at all of them.

Called Cap One and they said it was because I was selecting checking rather than savings, but it never gave me the option to select either. They all said if it said they take Visa that the Cap One card (with the + Cirrus logo) should work.

Any suggestions?

Posted by
23695 posts

The issue has always been that the debit card has to be tied to a CHECKING ACCT when using it in Europe. It is automatically looking for a checking account which it cannot find. In all of our years in Europe, I did see one ATM in Italy that offered a choice. It was so surprised me that I backed out for fear that it might be a tampered ATM. If it worked a one bank, may be you can find the same bank elsewhere. As Cap one if they can code the account as a checking account. If not, you can not have may options. This is where you need the back up debit card.

Posted by
1152 posts

Do you have any one back home who can quickly open a checking account feature for you on your money market account? Or maybe Capital One can do it over the phone and then transfer money into it.

Posted by
2876 posts

Since his card worked yesterday, it makes me think he might be bumping into his $500 daily limit. He used his card last NIGHT, and today might be the same "day" as far as Cap One's clock is concerned.

Posted by
3551 posts

Sorry for your troubles but this is way it is ALWAYS recommended to take 2 atm cards from diff companies. good luck.

Posted by
811 posts

I hope you have a back-up card, because our Capital One ATM cards (not a debit or credit card and my husband and I each have our own with separate PINs) would not work for us anywhere we went in the Czech Republic in March. It is tied to a checking account and we, too, called Capital One and spent 45 minutes with them from a pay phone in a post office in Brno to no avail. By that point we had tried over 6 different bank ATMs and they couldn't even see our attempts. The really odd thing was it had worked just fine in Hungary and Austria. We continued to try to use it when we got to Prague, but by that point we knew it was a pointless game.

We called them again after we got home from the trip and everyone was scratching their heads as to why it had stopped working. According to them everything was fine and dandy on their end, but I have a hard time believing that multiple different world-wide banks had failed simultaneously.

If I had any advice I would say to keep trying different banks, as you never know... And I wish you luck!

Posted by
80 posts

It is not a problem with the amount or amount for one day.

Prior to coming many on this board said a Cap One MM ATM was the way to go.

I do have a back up, with limited funds in case of emergencies like this.

I am about to find out if using a Cap One credit card with a pin will work for a cash advance.

Grazie for the replies.

Posted by
15799 posts

Sorry you are having problems.

I have a Cap One card on a money market account and I have never had trouble using it. Recently it worked fine throughout Italy in February and in Israel, Budapest, Vienna and Prague last month.

They seem to go offline for 2-3 hours in the wee hours between Sat-Sun, so my card hasn't worked on Sundays around noontime in Europe.

Posted by
15799 posts

Ken, if you use the cash advance, I think you should tell Cap One that they should cancel the fees - and interest (!!) - because their ATM card didn't work. Might help to transfer cash from the MM to the CC to cover it.

Posted by
2876 posts

"Sorry for your troubles but this is way it is ALWAYS recommended to take 2 atm cards from diff companies."

After reading Ken & Angela's stories, it looks like this is especially true if your primary card is from Capital One.

Posted by
12315 posts

Is the money in your savings? If so, you need to call the bank and transfer it into your checking account.

The ATM always assumes the primary account (checking).

You may also run into daily limit issues. Most cards allow you to take $500 per "day" (about 390 Euros). If you ask for more, it will reject the request. Some European banks impose a lower daily limit, but that's relatively rare and you would have gotten by that by trying several ATMs.

The daily limit refreshes near midnight at your bank's home headquarters. Sometimes when you are working on European time, two transactions on different days are viewed, by your bank, as the same day.

Hope that helps some. Good luck.

Posted by
52 posts

last fall the ATMs limited me to 250 euro. My bank at home indicated that I have either a $500 or $800 limit, and could not explain why the ATMs in Italy (Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples) limited me to 250 euros.
yes, tie your ATM to your checking account.

Posted by
39 posts

Just got back from Italy. Used my Capital One card exclusively. I tried several amounts for withdrawal and the maximum amount that worked was 300 Euros. No problems when that amount was input. Capital One charged $1.50 per transaction.

Posted by
111 posts

I know this is too late to help out Ken, but I want to emphasize - TAKE SOME EUROS WITH YOU!!!! We had trouble with both our credit cards at the ATM when we landed in Venice. We spent a couple of hours and much anxiety on the phone (via Skype, thankfully we took a netbook and the hotel had wireless) trying to get them straightened out. Finally, we got one cleared and we could have cleared the other by going into a bank. However, we had peace of mind that we had $500 euros in cash that we had received through Wells Fargo (for a small $5 US fee). Protect yourself. Take some euros with you if it is at all possible.

Posted by
58 posts

Hmm... we just came back from our europe trip, using exclusively our Capital One credit card, and then our Capital One "Direct Banking" ATM card (tied to a money market account). For the most part, in Barcelona, Rome, and Sorrento, no problems. However, I did notice, in Italy, that we couldn't use either card at the grocery stores and, in some cases, the ticket machines at the train stations (Naples, no go; Rome Termini, ok). So, it would seem that the situation varies, maybe by the terminal and how up-to-date their equipment is? Also, noted someone said Capital One charged $1.50 per transaction-- I checked all of our statements online after coming home, and no transaction fee for ATM, nor any foreign transaction fee for credit cards. This is what makes Capital One our favorite for international travel.

Posted by
2787 posts

In going to Europe every summer I have never had a problem with getting cash from an ATM at the first airport I land at using a debit card from my credit union.
As always, I carry 2 ATM cards from different financial institutions plus 2 credit cards also from different financial institutions. Point of Interest: Just returned from 3 weeks in Turkey and my CU debit card worked every time throughout western Turkey. If anyone experiences a problem with using their debit ATM card at an ATM, go to a bank that is open and try using an ATM there before trying any place else if at all possible so that if the problem remains, the bank may be able to help you out.

Posted by
22 posts

I'm interested to find out if there is a fix. I will be going in September and have called Cap One to find out details on the MM ATM card. It seems like the best choice.

Posted by
22 posts

I'm interested to find out if there is a fix. I will be going in September and have called Cap One to find out details on the MM ATM card. It seems like the best choice.