Are there a specific # of PIN #'s required to use a debitcard in Italy's ATM's Thank you Bonnie
Whatever PIN you have in the United States will work here. It would be a good idea to let your bank know that you are traveling, so that they don't block your attempted withdrawals here. Usually, in my experience, it is best to call the number on the back of the card to arrange this. Branch staff do not always know what to do with this information.
And make sure your PIN is numeric, not alpha.
The standard answer would be four. Some have reported that six work. A mother posted here recently in a panic because her son's pin was 12 digits and the ATMs would only accept eight. Cannot believe that anyone would have a 12 digit pin. Obviously four is very safe. If using four in the US, that will be fine in Italy.
they are 4 digit Bonnie. Last time I went I recall you could only use one account but I can't remember if it was savings or chequeing. Does anyone know if this is still the case and if so which one? Thanks
It works only off of the primary account which you have designated with your bank - - checking or savings. You can't switch between types of accounts.
Thank you
As Bryan said, be sure to let your bank know when and where you are travelling. And don't panic if your card doesn't work - especially on Sunday. Many banks go offline for weekly maintenance, mine does in the wee hours between Saturday night and Sunday morning, which is midday in Rome.