I just got back from a trip to Rome and Florence, which went smoothly thanks to the advice of the savvy travelers on this board. : ) My greatest regret, however, is that we didn't get a chance to see Assisi--so now I'm already plotting a trip back. I'm curious about whether the Feast-Day of St. Francis is a good time to visit Assisi, or is it just way too crowded? I wouldn't want to go on the Feast-Day of St. Clare, since it's in August and I hate the heat.
I am debating the same thing right now! I am in Verona for about two months and am definitely planning on going to Assisi as my son's favorite saints are Francis and Clare. I will be in Italy on his feast day....should I battle the crowds for a once in a lifetime experience, or pick another date to go? I hope someone chimes in!
Well, no one has answered our question yet, so I'm not sure what to tell you! One option would be to call some hotels now and see if you can make reservations for Oct 4 . . . if they're all booked solid, then it looks like you don't have much of a choice anyway, and it's also an indication that Assisi will indeed be crowded on the feast-day.
If you search the web for this feast, you'll find lots of information. Though I've not attended myself, I am sure it's quite crowded and quite beautiful. I visited Assisi last year in September and loved it. It was my favorite town on my trip. Even if you can't go to the Feast, try to visit Assisi. I stayed at the Hotel Pallotta--very, very nice place, very generous hosts. They also have a very good restaurant by the same name--Trattoria Pallotta--delicious food! I'm hoping to return next Spring.
Buon Viaggio!