These folks do a good job, on a scale of poor, fair, good, very good and excellent. To be more precise, they do an uneven job. Some of their docents are outstanding. They don't have consistency. But if you've never been to Florence before, what do you have to compare them? To be sure they are nice people, and generally professional. You won't have a bad tour with them. I feel they provide "nice" instead of working to provide consistent very informative tours. "Nice" trumps expertise -- that's my sense of them.
Yes, they get a lot of 4-5 star reviews. You should know my experience. They sent me an email after the tour and they wrote this:
"On the off chance you do not feel we deserve a 4-5 star review, we kindly ask you email us directly so we may understand and learn from your experience."
That rubbed me the wrong way. I wrote a review in trip advisor, giving them three stars. Well, they didn't like that! They disclosed how many tours I had been on with them, and where, and from that argued that they must have done a good job. Well, I gave them three stars. It was good. I had even been on one great tour with them. But should they be disclosing my personal information? And what about the sentence above? I feel it's manipulating the reviews. What do you think?
I'm not sure who does a better job. I'm going to try out Again, art viva does a "good" job. You'll probably be ok with them, and depending on who you get, the docent just might be outstanding. But I don't care for some of their business practices.