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Arriving in Venice at night

We'll be arriving in Venice via train, but the train does not come in until about 10pm. We plan to take the vaporetto to our hotel. Will there be a ticket stand open at that time of night to purchase tickets? If not, can we purchase on board? If we purchase on board, can they sell us the 3-day passes on board or only single trip tickets?

Thanks for the help!

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3313 posts

You have a couple of options. You can buy a 3 day pass at the Venice tourist office in the train station which should be open until 11 pm. I don't know how latw the ticket windows for the vaporetto stay open but would expect one to be open that late at the train station - it's one of the busiest stops. You can buy single trip tickets on board the vaporetto. Finally, if you go to, you may be able (but I haven't verified) purchase and print a pass online. Good luck!

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157 posts

I would find out what time the vaporetto runs. I recalled while I was there three weeks ago most of the shops in Venice close around 10p.m. I went to the train station to check out bus information and everything was pretty much closed. I did not pay attention to the vaporetto office so I can't comment. I would get really good directions/map to your hotel just in case. Venice is not very big but extremely confusing.