Due to an accident, we are arriving in Rome on Easter Sunday. Will there be places to eat and attractions open? What do you recommend? (I read the RS tour book, but it was the 2017 book, when Easter is on April 15th. This year it's on April 1st. Oops.) Thanks for recommendations.
No problem. Lots of restaurants are open, however, it is a huge day for Italian families to eat lunch out, so make a reservation before you travel. Maybe your hotel can help you. We liked this place in the Ghetto, Il Giardino Romano. If you click on the "Contatti" link a form comes up that I believe you can use to make a reservation. If you do not get a reply, calling is a good idea, again, before you go, at least a couple of weeks. I am certain someone there will be able to help you in English.
Rome will be open for business. Don’t worry.