Or just long pants to cover knees. We do not plan on attending any mass services while there.
As long as you knees and shoulders are covered you can wear whatever you like
Same goes for men
( this applies to churches)
Its not just during services, but at all times are you expected to dress respectfully.
I don't even own a skirt. Pants are fine, and cover your shoulders. A shawl is acceptable.
Actually you can wear capri length pants…they don’t need to be long, just cover your knees. Depending on your heat tolerance and the time of year you are visiting that might be an option for you.
Others have answered your clothing question. I’ll just mention that if you will be visiting in Summer, my daughter commented during our time in those cities when it was hot that it felt a lot more comfortable, trying to stay cooler, to wear her cotton summer loose-flowing dresses than when she wore capri shorts or pants. I think we ended up wearing casual dresses about half of our time there.
I just saw in your other thread that you are traveling next week. I’m on the final day of my RS Best of Italy tour today and it was 80 in Rome this afternoon.
Do make sure you’ve got a waterproof rain jacket and an umbrella. If you don’t have a packable umbrella you can easily buy one if you need it!!
And the requirement for covered knees and shoulders applies to males as well as females. It is equal.
Frank, I always bring a long skirt.
I saw a picture of a skirt once.
(Pants long enough to cover the offending knees are fine).
Funny thing, though? There are major dress code violations all OVER the ceiling and wall of a famous fancyschmany chapel in Rome. 🫣
Well, there are a few ultraconservative communities that do not like women with pants in churches. They are rare and they usually assemble in very minor churches, it is difficult that they get control of a major church, the kind of churches visited by tourists; bishops want churches to be open to everybody. I know a case where such a community got the control of a major central church, but in a couple years they got removed; the community was a continued nuisance to the local bishop and their fidelity to the reigning Pope was questioned.
Just have something covering your legs and shoulders to enter churches. Even a pareo will do. Otherwise nobody will care about how you dress.
An easy option if your skirt/dress doesn’t cover your knees: wear capri length leggings under the skirt/dress. After visiting the church, slip into a restroom and stash the leggings in your day bag. That way you’re not stuck wearing an extra layer or long pants on a hot day.