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Are jeans OK?

My wife and I will be visiting Venice, Florence and Rome in late October for a total of two weeks. Are jeans OK or not. If not, what do you recommend for good men's travel pants? Thanks,

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1054 posts

If you want to travel light, jeans will add weight to your bags. Also they take a while to dry when you wash them. I play golf a lot and I'm taking a couple pairs of Nike Golf microfiber pants. They are wrinkle resistant and are lightweight. They also dry quickly. They are comfortable in the florida heat for me. I have the solid color pants (not the plaid ones) and are easy to dress up with a shirt for night. Izod also makes a good pair. I have some of their shorts. I would use those in the carribean.

Posted by
1994 posts

I typically visit in the fall and have often been happy to have my jeans with me. They are a little warmer than synthetics, and mid to late October can turn chilly overnight. I bring synthetic blend jeans, so they dry more quickly than the 100% cotton.

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9388 posts

Jeans are fine. For visual proof type in Spanish Steps Rome into a Google search. Click images and look at all the people you see in jeans. Been traveling in jeans to Europe since the 70's.

Posted by
10804 posts

Jeans are fine. You can wear them multiple times between washes. Many people in Europe wear jeans. I always wear a pair and bring a pair. My husband also brings a pair of Docker type pants to have something a little nicer than jeans.

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8373 posts

Our trick is to send jeans out to the cleaners for starching before we go. You can wear starched jeans day after day as long as you don't get dirt or mud on them. I do the same thing with khaki pants. We seldom even use all the clothes we take in a 21" rolling bag on a 2 week trip.
After all, you won't see any of the people you run into again.

Posted by
10804 posts

@David, I've seen you mention starching the jeans before. Can you explain why you do this? I'm wondering what the benefit is.

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16364 posts

They are ok and Italians, especially younger generations, wear them all the time. However personally I don't find blue jeans practical for travel for the following reasons: 1. Too heavy for scorching Italian summers. 2. They don't shield you from the cold in winter. 3. They take more room in the suitcase compared to other material pants. 4. They don't dry quickly when wet or washed.
5. They are less versatile as they can't be passed for slacks in less informal occasions.

Posted by
951 posts

denim has changed over the years. It is not as thick. they are not that heavy. But that is womens jeans, so maybe would not apply to mens denim. I have always brought jeans to Europe as I travel in the winter. Having lived in the north, dealing with sub zero degree weather, I have always worn jeans. And here in the florida summer, I will wear jeans, but only in the evening. So jeans, for me, are for all occasions. Everyone wears them in Europe. Women paint them on. All colors. I wash my jeans in a washer/dryer when in Europe so I dont have to deal with sink washing; I would rather take my clothes to a laundry-mat, read a book while waiting, then spend my time washing in a sink, wringing out clothing; therefore making jeans an ok decision for me, everyone is different though.

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12315 posts

Jeans are fine except for they are too warm in summer, to heavy in your luggage, and take forever to dry if they get wet (including at a laundromat). Jeans also get stretched in the butt, knees and waist until they are machine washed and (over)dried in a dryer - hang drying isn't an option to get them to regain their shape. I avoid cotton fabrics in general because they wrinkle, stretch and don't dry quickly. My favorites are either a golf pant (Costco has some for a decent price) or non-cotton slacks from a department store like Macys (on sale of course). Perry Ellis makes some "travel-eze" pants I really like. I prefer slim fit, flat front and no cuff.

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3943 posts

My husband lives in jeans - all he wears - I made him take a pair of black khakis on our first trip in 2008 - they didn't even leave the bag - moral - wear what is comfortable for you, and what you are used to. Don't take something diff from what you normally wear - chances are, you won't wear it (if my hubby is any indication). I mostly wear jeans as well, but do pack a pair of dress pants to change things up a little.

Posted by
392 posts

Jeans are just fine for city travel in the fall, and if you have a dark wash pair they can dress down or up, if you pair with a button down shirt and nicer shoes. If you are worried about weight, wear them on the plane. If you are hiking or in the country a lot for a trip they may be less practical, but in a city everyone will be wearing them that time of year. I don't agree with the people who believe that light packing must eschew jeans for everything in microfiber, etc. It depends on age, style, time of year, and destination. My husband usually brings two pairs plus some slacks to Europe. He packs carry on only and has no problems. If you are backpacking, it would be a bigger issue, though.

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1898 posts

For years I wouldn't take/wear my jeans on our travels to Italy. Now I wear my favorite pair on the plane and I'm so happy I have my jeans with me. I wear them everyday at home, so why not take what is comfortable for me on my travels? My husband has ALWAYS worn his jeans during our vacations over the last 15 years. The European embrace jeans like no tomorrow. It's all they wear (except those great orange pants on guys) I'm going to Florence with my daughter late October as well, I'll be wearing my jeans. See if you can pick me out of the crowd. Wear your jeans, if that's what you wear at home. Don't worry about washing them, I'm betting, unless you have a major spaghetti spill issue, you can wear the same pair for the two weeks and wash them when you get home. If you are packing light, add a pair of chino pants for warmer days, or just to change out for dinner.

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2023 posts

I cannot imagine going to Italy in late October and not taking jeans. Nice jeans (no holes,tears,etc) can be pared with sports coat for dressy look. Ralph Lauren is fond of this look. The starch idea sounds good.

Posted by
22 posts

My wife and I both use jeans. Perfectly acceptable. With regards to taking longer to dry, we do not find that a problem since we bring a couple pairs each and you can wear them for more than one day the "drying" pair will dry in a day no problem. Another trick we use is throw a couple dryer sheets in your luggage to keep your clothes smelling fresh if you do not have access to a washer/dryer.

Posted by
901 posts

Jeans will be just fine. For a two-week trip, a couple of pairs would work. I can go a week with a pair without any need to wash them, and they are the most comfortable pants I own. Unless it is super hot and sweaty, you most likely will not have a need to clean them. Have fun!

Posted by
1175 posts

I take one pair of black jeans and wear another pair of black jeans, wear black running shoes, and always travel in the early spring or fall. The wind is always cold off the Tiber, Arno, Thames, Seine, Danube -- in early spring and fall. We'll be in Venice, Florence, and Rome in early October, decked out in black Levi's every day.

Posted by
43 posts

Thank you to everyone who replied!Your input is valuable and the number of responses is remarkable! I'm going with jeans :) YIPPEE!!!! My favorite wear around home.