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Are handicap parking permits valid in Italy

We are taking a trip to Italy in oct
I’d like to know if our handicap parking permit is valid there

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21869 posts

Often discussed topic. Technically not, but you might not get ticketed. I think your issue may be if you try to drive in a ZTL. Nothing will help you there except getting your license plates put on the "white list" before entering, and that means figuring out how to do this. Each town is different as the ZTL is a local ordinance. No way to do it nation wide.

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8411 posts

There is discussion on various websites about reciprocity between countries regarding Handicap Permits, but the answer comes down to maybe yes, but possibly not.

Within the EU, there is reciprocity, but for non-EU placards, it comes down to the local authorities. Will they cut you some slack? Probably. Is it a guarantee? No.

As the previous poster noted, Parking would be the safest bet, but access within ZTLs or restricted areas, probably not.

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16450 posts

Even if you have a handicap placard issued by an Italian City, doesn’t mean you are authorized to enter the ZTL. A person with a handicap placard, even if issued in Italy, must request prior authorization to the local authority to be put in the White List. That can be done with an online application, or via email, or fax, but it needs to be done even by Italians, because the photo cameras can’t see the placard hanging from your windshield mirror or on your dashboard.

I don’t know if they would allow someone with a placard issued in the USA to do so, probably yes, but the biggest issue is that the authorities need to know your car model and license plate number, to put that info in the White List, and you don’t have that info until you actually rent a car there.

Parking in a parking spot with your placard is probably ok, but the issue is the ZTL areas, since those are not enforced by humans, who would probably be understanding, but machines (cameras) which are ruthless.

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2173 posts

We use our placard in Italy, but I travel with a wheelchair. We always try to talk to a policeman to make sure we’re parking correctly. As for ZTLs, you need to call the phone number on the ZTL zone sign for each town to register your car’s license number. This can be easy in some towns and difficult in others. Finding a handicap parking place may then be challenging. By the way, place the placard on the dashboard, instead of hanging it from the rear view mirror. Sent you a private message also.