I am just back from my trip to Rome - Sorrento - Paris in September and wanted to post here about the choice for visiting the Ancient Appian Way. The Archeobus was down to one bus when I signed up for the open air tour and so, the hop on-hop off aspect of the bus didn't work out very well. They may fix the second bus in the near future but when I was there, it didn't work out so well. Taking the #118 bus to and from the Appian Way might have been better - although you would not get the "open air" feeling that you would on the Archeobus. For now, I would not reccommend Archeobus for Appian Way. Working on my Trip Report and will post there as well. Linda
I totally agree with you Linda. I took the public bus and it worked out better in terms of timing and availability.
I took the Archeobus a couple of years ago (what was I thinking?), and it was kind of a waste - the "open air" feeling in July was hot sun, and the "guide" advised people to sit on top because the air conditioning was broken below. I agree, the 118 is more convenient. In the centro storico, bus #116 (electric mini-bus) does a nice circuit to the major sites that the larger buses can't get near, with many fewer people.
Shirley & Zoe: Thanks for you input and responses. I was a little unsure of myself and thought the idea of the open air aspect of Archeobus would be a fun way to tour (I had never been on an open air bus-that I can remember). It actually wasn't blistering hot, so I was thankful for that part. Another little glitch was, when I embarked on the bus, the person sitting in the front (presumably the "guide") handed us all the earphones for the narrated audioguide but didn't say what button to push for whatever language you needed. Just, all in all, not a very professionally run business.
"It's Italy." We had some of the same experiences, plus the painting of the route on the side of the bus showed that it went to the Aqueduct Park, which it did not.
I also was on the Archeobus a couple years ago thinking it went to the Aquaduct Park, but it no longer did and when I got off to walk around a little before I returned, the wait was really long (at least 1/2 hour, but I think longer). Next day I followed Ron in Rome's instruction for taking the subway to the Aquaduct Park and had a lovely day.
Laurie, I did not know about the Metro to Aqueduct park. Would you give me the details for my next trip?
Thanks so much for posting this, Laurie. I had no trouble finding the info on the Ron in Rome website and am filing it for my next trip!
Laurie & Janet, I'll check Ron in Rome - thanks for the tip.