We wanted to see the Aquepark and Catacombs of San Callisto on the same day. What would be the most logical way of doing so? I have read Ron in Rome's article on the Aqueducts and plan on using his suggestion on how to get to the Aqueducts but I am not sure of the best way to get to the Catacombs. Walk, bus?
Cheri, I too am researching the catacombes in Rome for my solo trip in September. I found this site that is pretty helpful. Check it out. I have also read you can take the Archeobus to the area. My notes for my research are not handy at the moment but I could get back to you. Here's the site: http://www.catacombe.roma.it/en/index.php
Ciao! Linda
Go on a Sunday as the traffic is restricted so you can actually walk along the Appian Way or bike without getting killed. We use the Arch bus. Only one of the catacombs is open on Sunday - forgot which one but took their walking tour. It was very interesting and good. Killed a few of the myths about the catacombs and early Christians. Both are easy to reach via public transit.
I have learned bus # 660 goes between the Aquepark and the catacombs. Has anyone used it? I had plan on doing the park before the catacombs because it would be cooler in the early part of the day. does my plan make sense? Is there a reason to reverse the order?
Sounds good to me.