I have read that shoulders need to be covered, and shorts & short dresses/skirts are not appropriate for churches and museums. I am wondering though if I wear a dress that hits above the knee, if this will be ok? Nothing really short, that is not my style. But I also don't have anything that hits just below my knee. And we're traveling to Italy 2nd half of May, so I'm not planning on bringing a long dress/skirt.
Thoughts? I obviously don't want to be turned away, so if it's required to cover my knees I'll find something. But just not sure if that's necessary. Also we have booked a tour to the Necropolis under the Basilica of St. Peter, so not sure if that requires something even more dressed up.
Also, will nice jeans be acceptable, for both men & women? Or does it need to be slacks / dress / skirt?
Thanks in advance!