I obtained a 5 cd set of Pimsler lessons from the library to learn conversational Italian prior to our trip in September. It is fun in the car, but i Would love to be able to access a program on my iphone while at the gym, mowing, etc. Duolingo hasn't really helped me with basic conversations-great help with food recognition for menus though! The Pimsler series is pretty pricey. Any experience with a good app? Thanks!
Sounds like a technical question: "How do I rip the tracks from a CD and convert to MP3 format so I can play them on my smartphone?"
If you want to play your current course on your iPhone, try doing a Google search for the above.
If you want a different course, try: http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/
or do an internet search.
With an account at your local library you can access a shared online resource called OneClickDigital which has all of the Pimsleur languages available to download for free. Their eAudio format works well on iPods, smart phones, etc.
I find that the Pimsleur training method really works well for me, as I seem to learn better by listening and repeating. I find that I'm "comfortable" with Italian after using Pimsleur, but certainly not fluent.
Some of the other popular courses are.....
- https://www.babbel.com/ (I believe there's an ongoing cost for these)
- http://www.rosettastone.com/ (these seem to require sitting in front of a computer, which is not something that would work for me)
- http://www.berlitz.us/ (haven't checked but they're probably somewhat on the expensive side)
Thank you for all of the suggestions. I checked with our library, and they do not subscribe to OneClick, but they suggested Mango. I have downloaded the app, and will give it a try. I have no clue how to convert cd's to files that I can use on my iPhone, so I will keep plugging away at this! I feel like I am doing mouth-muscle-retraining! Those r's don't just roll off my tongue! Such a pretty language-I don't want to offend anyone with my attempts yet!
take a look at the Michel Thomas Italian program, somewhat similar to Pimsleur but I think it teaches more.
Try www.busuu.com it's similar to Rosetta Stone, but most of the modules are free. I paid a huge amount for Rosetta Stone 10 years ago and found it useless, but like BUSUU. As it encourag s you to write sentences with what you learn, and a native corrects them (you reciprocate to correct someone learning English) and there is a chat room.. What I found the most useful is working with a native speaker, either at a Meetup.com locally or Skype lessons with a native speaker. Go on Craigslist as they cost anywhere from $20 per hour to $50 and you will learn so much more than an app.
I'm interested in this topic as well. I think I would also learn better by listening (rather than sitting infront of a computer) If you wouldn't mind, it would be great if you would share your thoughts on Mango.. We are headed to Italy this September as well..