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App for learning language?

I obtained a 5 cd set of Pimsler lessons from the library to learn conversational Italian prior to our trip in September. It is fun in the car, but i Would love to be able to access a program on my iphone while at the gym, mowing, etc. Duolingo hasn't really helped me with basic conversations-great help with food recognition for menus though! The Pimsler series is pretty pricey. Any experience with a good app? Thanks!

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8889 posts

Sounds like a technical question: "How do I rip the tracks from a CD and convert to MP3 format so I can play them on my smartphone?"
If you want to play your current course on your iPhone, try doing a Google search for the above.

If you want a different course, try:
or do an internet search.

Posted by
3053 posts

With an account at your local library you can access a shared online resource called OneClickDigital which has all of the Pimsleur languages available to download for free. Their eAudio format works well on iPods, smart phones, etc.

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32405 posts


I find that the Pimsleur training method really works well for me, as I seem to learn better by listening and repeating. I find that I'm "comfortable" with Italian after using Pimsleur, but certainly not fluent.

Some of the other popular courses are.....

Posted by
142 posts

Thank you for all of the suggestions. I checked with our library, and they do not subscribe to OneClick, but they suggested Mango. I have downloaded the app, and will give it a try. I have no clue how to convert cd's to files that I can use on my iPhone, so I will keep plugging away at this! I feel like I am doing mouth-muscle-retraining! Those r's don't just roll off my tongue! Such a pretty language-I don't want to offend anyone with my attempts yet!

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417 posts

take a look at the Michel Thomas Italian program, somewhat similar to Pimsleur but I think it teaches more.

Posted by
105 posts

Try it's similar to Rosetta Stone, but most of the modules are free. I paid a huge amount for Rosetta Stone 10 years ago and found it useless, but like BUSUU. As it encourag s you to write sentences with what you learn, and a native corrects them (you reciprocate to correct someone learning English) and there is a chat room.. What I found the most useful is working with a native speaker, either at a locally or Skype lessons with a native speaker. Go on Craigslist as they cost anywhere from $20 per hour to $50 and you will learn so much more than an app.

Posted by
83 posts

I'm interested in this topic as well. I think I would also learn better by listening (rather than sitting infront of a computer) If you wouldn't mind, it would be great if you would share your thoughts on Mango.. We are headed to Italy this September as well..