We'll be in Rome only 2 days on this trip. My dad served with US Army in 1944 at Anzio and was wounded there, so I'd really like to take a tour, but haven't seen anything with RS, and don't see much for a day tour on web. We took a day tour of Normandy last year and it was awesome, so I'd really like to find a good one day tour of Anzio in mid-Sept.
You don't really need a tour. It's an easy trip by train from Rome to Anzio. Great little museum there. We went back in 2002 and then took the train to Nettuno to the American cemetery.
For tours of Anzio Beach, there's only a fraction of the tours and information that's available on the Normandy D-Day Beaches.
Here's one of the few prior discussions of Anzio Beach that we've had here on this website
Maybe more helpful is, here's the results of a Google search, this may give you more info and a tour
click here for search results
I don't know why there isn't more on this, there should be, good luck in your search for a tour.
My father also landed at Anzio during WWII. We took the train from Roma to Anzio and spent the day there. There is a small museum there that is very interesting. If you tell the curator that your father landed at Anzio they will give you a pretty cool document (in Italian) recognizing him by name and thanking him for his service. The name of the museum is "Museo dello Sbarco di Anzio".
Thanks to all of you for the information. We did take the train from Rome to Anzio, found the musuem, and thank you, Mike - also got the certificate honoring my dad's service! We also went to the American cemetary while there.
We are also interested in such a trip when we visit Rome in a week! These posts are very positive. Does anyone have more recent information or opinions? Is the museum still running? Why are all the guidebooks relatively silent on Anzio? Thanks in advance!