Hello! Anyone else here going on the Heart of Italy tour next week, starting on July 8th? Just seeing if I can make some initial connections with folks on the tour. My wife and I are both educators in California, and we're taking our 13-year-old daughter on this adventure. It will be the first time across the Atlantic for both my wife and daughter! (I visited Italy, England, and France during the year I taught English in Madrid). It looks like there are a few other families on the tour, so I'm crossing my fingers that my daughter will be able to interact with some teens around her age. I'm not sure yet what her tolerance will be for all the walking, museums, and art, so I'm trying to include her in the planning and come up with some creative ideas for our free time during the tour. (So far, she has requested that we see some "haunted places." Hmm...) She loves drawing and animating, so we're all going to bring journals and pretend to be Renaissance artists from time to time. I really want this to be an enjoyable, life-changing experience for her, as traveling has been for me. Anyway, if you're going on the same tour at the same time, or you have any suggestions about what I've written, I'd love to hear from you!