Last year I arrived in Milan and drove to Florence. I lease cars instead of renting them long term. The AutoEurope pick-up locations are either Milan or Nice. Has anyone made that drive from Nice to Florence?
In 2011, we drove from Florence almost to Nice. We did not make it all the way to Nice because we had stopped in Carrara to look at the marble quarries. We stayed in Imperia and drove into France the next day. Actually, we spent two nights in Imperia at a nice hotel overlooking the Mediterranean.
Are you trying to determine how long it would take to go from Nice to Florence? If you stay on the autoroute, you could drive it in one looooooooong day. :)
I have driven different parts in different years with no issue. puts it at 5 1/4 hours on the highway past Genova (not up to Milan). That seems like a fine way to avoid a Milan pick-up fee for the French leased car, if airfare and other considerations are equal.
Thanks. Last year it was a wash between the the pickup fee in Milan and higher price ticket to fly into Nice.
Several years ago we drove from Nice to Vernazza. Though the trip was supposed to take 4 1/2 hrs, due to rain it took closer to 6.
Yes. Although not recently.
It's all freeway.
Est. time about 5 hours, if you limit your stops to quick refueling and snacks.