We are planning a family trip to Italy in June. We wanted to spend part of the trip in Tuscany or Umbria. We found a farmhouse 7 miles south of Siena in Monteroni d'Arbia. I'd love to hear from someone familiar with Monteroni d'Arbia Is it charming or is it modern? I'd also love feedback from anyone who has stayed at the agriturismo we're considering. It goes by two names: Agritrurismo San Fabiano and Casa dei venti. (The other locations we're considering as alternatives for this part of the trip are Spello, Torgiano, and Lucca--very different, I know.)
We always stay at a villa a few kilometers from monteroni. It is a more modern town, and is kind of blue-collar. It is well situated for visiting Siena and the Crete Senesi, the most beautiful area of Tuscany. Monteroni is fairly small and is surrounded by farms and rolling hills. We love this area.