In June 2018? Just looked at my official Trenitalia issued .pdf ticket (complete with PNR) and my 10:50 am train is not listed on any longer. There's an earlier and a later - but not the 10:50. Anybody else in the same boat?
What date Tim? I just checked June 5 and the 10:50 is listed....Termini to Venezia Santa Lucia, #9418.
Your correct. It is gone after Jun 10th. A victim of schedule change, I assume. When did you buy the ticket ?? Did you buy it from trenitalia? Odd that you would sold a ticket on a train that doesn't exist.
I assume that TiM used the official site to purchase that ticket and that trenitalia would never cancel a train without a reason and a warning. The schedule change has no impact on high speed trains, I bet they are going to use some new rolling stock on that route and closed the bookings for a couple of days.
It is not there. When it is closed it is listed but you cannot book it - No solution Available. Still want to know where he bought the ticket. Sometimes the resellers will sell ticket ahead of their availability.
It is a shame we don't have more details.
For which date, please?
There's a chance that this is for after the data load and has just not been loaded yet.
13 June 2018 is the travel date. Bought it from and just happened to discover this by accident. I looked at my bookings in my trenitalia account and there are no warning listed (as if cancelled or no longer valid) and I've received no email notifications about it.
I contacted trenitalia via their online chat (in Italian only) and to the best of my google translate abilities I think the person on the other end said my train was no longer valid. I asked what I should do and she could never understand what I wanted. Interestingly I went to the Frecciarossa FaceBook page and sent an FB message. They replied kindly in English saying that according to my PNR my booking was still valid even though it no longer appears on the website.
So Trenitalia says no longer valid but Frecciarossa says yes, it's still a valid booking on a real train and if there are changes that affect my schedule that I'll receive an email.
So there's the story in a nutshell.
I still think it is caught up in the uploading of timetables.
But what do I know?
We will see as the time approaches...
FrecciaRossa and Trenitalia are the same thing and the latter is not saying "no longer valid"; You'd better trust the rep that speaks English and is more used to tourists' fears.
You wrote it: the first one couldn't understand, but tomorrow I'll try to make the same question in Italian via chat.
Annoyed trenitalia's employee via chat:
"Sir, there is a timetable change on June 10 and we block some
bookings for reasons I don't know. When we cancel a train we send an
email to those who have purchased tickets in advance. Did you receive an email? No? Anything else?"
Deutsche Bahn is still showing the train running on June 13. It starts in Salerno at 8:44 as FR 9490 and says continues at Napoli as FR 9418. Now, if you go to Trenitalia and look at the 8:44 train from Salerno to Venezia, it shows it to be FR 9490. Click on the detail it shows arriving at Roma Termini at 10:40 and departing at 10:50, arriving at Venezia S.Lucia at 14:35.
So it looks like between Dario's annoying the hard working Trenitalia employee, the fact that the train is still on the schedule if you look at its point of origin at Salerno, it looks to be running as you bought it, maybe with a change of train number.
Dario - thank you!
Hey, It is Italy !!!! Personally I would consider it a fluke and deal with it on the 12th.
Are you sure itโs not the 9490?
Couldnโt find the no. 9418, even currently.
The only train I see departing Rome Termini at 10:50 is the 9490.
Originating from Salerno with dest. Venezia SL
Scheduled Track no. 8
Yet, the RFI (the rail line infrastructure operator) shows me the same train as above as 9418, at least till 8 June (but at track 9)
Maybe itโs just a number change?
Just show up at the train departing for Venice at 10:50 (and arriving from Naples) on that day, then let the conductor deal with the discrepancy.
My .pdf tickets clearly say train 9418 from Roma Termini to Venezia SL
Just a followup - this train is back to being displayed on Trenitalia's website..
yup, the new times are loaded for the next month - probably now until the end of the year - when they do it all again.