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Anybody ever thought of an extended trip...alone?

I am thinking of planning a trip next year before I start grad school, leaving the husband and kids at home and touring Italy for a month or more alone. I imagine myself learning to cook and speak Italian first-hand, making new friends and seeing all the places I've always dreamed of. Maybe I've just been reading too much "Under the Tuscan Sun!" I went to Italy last year and can't wait to go back.

What would be the most economical stay for a month or so?

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11520 posts

I have gone for 3 weeks alone, ( not Italy , France) but I do have a few family and friends I could meet up with for a few days here and there. I think more then a month on ones own would be only suitable for a certain type of person, even very outgoing and into chatting to strangers, or someone who doesn't mind chatting to anyone for a very long time( except waiters, LOL ) . I personally find after about a 7-10 day stretch I am ready to talk to someone other then waiters and metro workers,, LOL

PS.. I left my kids when they were younger for 3 weeks. It was the longest I had been away.. ( they were safe at home with daddy) ,, I found it a bit long.. I didn't miss them the 1st week, I started to miss them the 2nd week, and by the 3rd week I was really looking forward to seeing them again. Any longer would have been too long for me.

Now that they are teens I would leave them for a month in a heartbeat. Really.

Posted by
15 posts

Thanks Pat. My kids are 13 and 6 so it's a pretty good time for me to get away. Daddy is more than capable. :-)

Any idea on what type of place to stay in? Agritourismo, maybe?

Posted by
1540 posts

Ann, I travel alone all the time. I've been all over the world - usually alone.
When I want to join a group - I usually do a Rick Steves Tour.
I find that traveling alone gets me more interaction with the locals. I also like to go where I want - when I want.
My longest trip was a month in England, Belgium, Italy. I had a wonderful time.
If you don't want to spend a lot of time looking for lodging, finding a place to eat....... I would really recommend a Rick Steves Tour.
They assign a roommate and if there are several single women traveling (usually the case), we rotate roommates at each stop. I think there is plenty of free time planned in the tour - so you can wander off by yourself if you want - or pal around with the others on the tours.
Enjoy your travels.

Posted by
32405 posts


In my experience, it's doubtful that you'll be learning to "speak Italian first-hand" in a one month trip, unless you're attending school. However, being in the country is certainly the best way to learn.

The most economical place to stay for a month would probably be a Hostel, but I haven't priced Agriturismo's. For example (since you mentioned Under The Tuscan Sun), the San Marco Hostel in Cortona has dorm rooms for 14€ per night, which includes breakfast.

If I read your post correctly, you're planning on staying in the same place for the entire month, perhaps just venturing out for day trips? Since Agriturismo's are usually a bit outside major cities, you'd have to consider transportation options as well (unless you were also going to hire a car for the full month).

Regarding the aspect of "an extended trip...alone?" on my last mega-trip in the fall of 2006, I backpacked through Germany, Italy, Switzerland and France for two months. That sort of travel kind of "forces" one to be a bit outgoing, and I usually seemed to have lots of people to talk to (I met some interesting people!). A couple of my stays were in Hostels, which of course inherently provides "company".

However, I discovered on that occasion that two months seems to be my "limit" - towards the end of the trip, I was starting to feel that it was time to go home and see my sons (and of course the dog!). Perhaps it was just the realization that the trip was indeed over and the travel funds were becoming depleted?

I'm planning another mega-trip hopefully for next year, and if it does happen it will be interesting to see whether my reaction is the same as last time.

Good luck and happy travels!

Posted by
16619 posts

If you liked "Under The Tuscan Sun," you might like:
Living in a Foreign Language: A Memoir of Food, Wine and Love in Italy

It was written by Michael Tucker and his wife who were both actors in L.A. Law. They moved to Italy and renovated a house.

Posted by
401 posts

If you want to learn to speak Italian "first hand" in one month you will have to sign up at a language school. Many schools have you live with an Italian family which is honestly the BEST way to learn a language. I did this when I was 21, but it took me about 4 months of study to become competant at speaking Italian, though the old man who I rented a room from did teach me how to cook some great dishes.
If however your scope is to just travel around by yourself, well, then make that your priority and let the language thing slide. The most economical thing would be to rent a place for a month and make that your base, while you travel to other places for over nights. If you are honestly interested in meeting new people, especially Italians, I would recommend staying put more, the way you meet new people is by seeing them every day, and over time, you become friends.

Posted by
209 posts

My first thought for economical reasons and also friend-making would be a hostel. You're traveling alone, but you have roommates :)

As for the language learning part, immersion really is the best way to go. If you start learning the basics before you get here, then use it everyday while you're out and about, I think you'll get a pretty solid language base built.

I think it all sounds like a delightful thing to do before grad school!

Posted by
56 posts

Ann, I'm heading to Italy alone in a few weeks and cannot wait! I'm going for 17 days and traveling throughout the country. People either think I'm nuts for going by myself or they admire me for having the guts to do it. I look at it as an adventure of sorts, something that will enrich my life and mind, among other things.

As for economical, I just used Rick's book to find lodging; most places offered a discount or reduced rate if you mention you found them through him. Once I chose a place, I looked it up on trip advisor and took it from there. All in all, I'm happy with what I've chosen.

I think you should go for it! I'll be more than happy to fill you in on my trip once I return.

Just do it! =)

Happy travels!!

Posted by
15 posts

Thank you all for your replies. I have a pretty good Italian language base right now, but unfortunately Italian speakers here are hard to come by, so I never get a chance to practice. I think with immersion, I could greatly improve my Italian.

Shari, please do keep me posted. I would love to hear about your trip.

Posted by
424 posts

Hi Ann, I think you have a great idea. Something I hope to do. I have a friend right now who is in Venice for 3 weeks. She's taking Italian immersion class for 2 weeks and then 1 week on her own.

I have seen apartment rentals for many cities on craigslist. I've found several that are interesting for many cities in Italy. You get a price break if you stay longer.

I wish you happy planning.

Posted by
11520 posts

HI Ann ,
Yes, your kids are definately a good age to leave,, LOL

I stayed at a Agritourismo near Florence with a RS tour this past summer(Family Tour, took my 12 yr old) and it was very nice, BUT, it was 25 km. from nearest town, a rental car would be a must if planning staying in that type of accomadation.

I think hostels would be the most fun and interesting. Apartments are a good choice, but you will not meet many people that way,,

Posted by
466 posts

WOW, you must have a great husband and kids to let you wonder about Italy for a month!!! I say go for it.

Posted by
11520 posts

Mark, aren't all husbands like that?? They SHOULD be..

Posted by
15 posts


He spends many months aboard a submarine so it's the least he can do....since I'm a single mom most of the time. :-)

Seriously though, he says I deserve a vacation before taking on graduate school. :)

Posted by
20 posts

Ann: I'm leaving next Tues. 16 Sept for 10 days in the Tuscany area, going by myself. Many people can't believe I'm going by myself, but it will allow me complete freedom to decide what I want to do and when. Waiting for someone else or the RIGHT someone else to go along could take forever. Part of my life's journey requires that I extend my level of security into areas that make me learn different patterns of relationship with the world and those around me, which will help me grow and understand the world better. I look at this an adventure adding a new chapter to my life.