ARound before I book my next train on the 22nd to Rome from Venice. I am in Malpensa now.
No strikes that I've heard of. If there is one you'll still be able to get trains to and from cities. They don't shut down entirely. Donna
Pretty sure that the URL for the union's website posting a schedule of each scheduled strike and the effected systems was posted on this board several times in that past 6 months. Probably a better starting point than word of mouth. Have a great trip
Monique, strikes are well advertised in the Italian media, so your hotel will be able to tell you if there are any coming up. They usually are 9-to-5 strikes, with a few major trains continuing to run, but those trains can get very crowded.
Posted at is a strike for Friday, Oct 21, 09:00-17:00.
I can't say GRAZIE! enough to all! We will take train from Venice on the 22nd instead. We hope to get to Rome:)