Thanks everybody for chiming in with your thoughts! You have definitely given me a lot of information and ideas to think about to safeguard my valuables. All your replies have been very useful to me, especially those who have provided links to the products they use. Much appreciated!
Just to clarify, that incident where the moneybelt was torn from under the shirt was not something that happened to me or anyone I know personally. It was mentioned in another forum, where the issue of pickpockets and the usefulness of a "dummy" wallet (which is a whole other topic) was being discussed and someone spoke of this incident. Given all your replies to that, I now also think it was not just a usual pickpocketing situation.
What I have gathered from the posts in this thread is that most people prefer a money belt over a neck wallet? The post by jlschandler that neck wallets have been either cut or yanked off, is what was the main concern for me regarding them. I would rather reveal as little as possible as to where I'm storing my stuff to anybody watching.
I actually have some experience wearing a moneybelt in my trip to Spain two years ago. It was a simple no-frills Slazenger moneybelt with a stretchable strap with a buckle. I wore it around my stomach under my shirt and never accessed it in public, and although it was a bit new and uncomfortable for me, I got used to it. Also, the fact that I was in Barcelona, which is deemed to be the pickpocket capital of the world, made sure I stuck to it. We were very aware of our surroundings at all times, and even witnessed an attempted lifting of a phone at the next table at an outdoor cafe ; someone in the group was vigilant and immediately warned her friend. Fortunately, we were always careful and personally never experienced any of that.
In the Spain trip, I had my money belt with extra cash and credit card, and had a wallet which I kept in the front pocket of my jeans, with essential cash and another credit card, and also my handphone. For this trip, I have been thinking I would like to keep my jeans/pants pockets empty, meaning not even a wallet and a handphone, which is why I'm exploring alternatives to have them safely stored.
I thought that neck wallets might be good for that, but now it seems another option is to get pants with zipped pockets or velcro pockets? So a money belt, with my phone and wallet stored in those zipped pant pockets, or a jacket with internal pockets would be great? Question is, wouldn't a zipped pocket also be easy for the pickpockets? Granted they have one extra step of unzipping, but they seem to be such experts at it that it makes me wonder, which is why I don't want to have anything at all in my external pockets. A vest or jacket with secure internal pockets would be the best option for me I guess? Plus a moneybelt around my waist, or even the hidden pocket type where it goes under your waistband? By the way, do you all wear your moneybelt halfway down your waistband, or higher up your stomach ?