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Any suggestions for distributing time amongst Lucca, Orvieto, and Arezzo?

Trip would also include longer amounts of time in Siena and Firenze, but I was wondering how people would rank these three in terms of how many nights they would want to stay - thanks!

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118 posts

I have spent 6 nights in both Orvieto and Arezzo. Have yet to spend the night in Lucca.

Arezzo is a lovely town, with great restaurants, shopping, etc. It is easy to get to other places via public transportation. (Cortona and Poppi for example). My husband and I spent many days in the town exploring and relaxing.

Orvieto is also lovely but wish we had a car to explore the area more easily.

If you are staying in Siena and Florence my guess is that you will not have a car? In that case, my vote is Arezzo. If you do rent a car, Orvieto would be a good choice.

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4152 posts

The only way to accurately determine how long you need in a location is to make a list of what you want to see and do while there. You may need two nights in a location or you may need 6, it's impossible to know without knowing what your plans are once you get there.


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2504 posts

Just to clarify - I would want to visit all of these, probably in the order Siena-Orvieto-Arezzo-Firenze-Lucca (a big loop, in other words). Of course, Donna is right about figuring out the time distribution based on desired activities, but I was wondering in more qualitative, ambiance-based terms. I realize that's really subjective, but would be interested in people's impressions.

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11613 posts

Two nights in each of these cities would be enough, more if you want to daytrip. Sansepolcro is an easy bus ride from Arezzo and has a couple of beautiful frescoes by Piero della Francesca.

You can get to Pisa from Lucca by bus.

Orvieto is one of my favorite places, Todi can be reached by bus but the schedules are not that daytrip friendly.

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2504 posts

Thanks! Sansepolcro and Piero Della Francesca are now on the list, for sure.

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11613 posts

Then don't miss the up-close views of the Piero frescoes in the Duomo in Arezzo.