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Any rules in Italy about wearing white clothing in the Fall?

In the U.S., we kind of have an unwritten tradition that it's not appropriate to wear "white" clothing and shoes after Labor Day (early September). I'll be going to Italy for the first time during the last week in September; and even though it appears the temperatures are still very summer-like at that time (and, of course, they do not have a Labor Day), are there any fashion faux pas in that country about wearing white shoes/slacks that late in the month?

Posted by
7737 posts

Italy has lots of different police equivalents (carabinieri, polizia, Guardia di Finanza) but sadly no fashion police. That said, the police in Venice will not let men wander around without their shirts on. There was a pretty amusing video not too long ago of the Venetian police forcing two Russian men to put their shirts back on on a hot summer day.

Posted by
419 posts

As has been noted repeatedly here, no one cares what you wear. Wear what is comfortable for you.
BTW, the "rule" (from Miss Manners?) is no white shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day. Nothing about white clothing.

Posted by
1840 posts

That tradition is not country-wide in the U.S., and I doubt Italy cares.

Posted by
16364 posts

Italians do have Labor day. Labor day is May 1 in Europe. Nobody cares what you wear. Italians are already used to tourists wearing their huge sneakers and their gym clothes straight out of the dirty laundry hamper, so they won't be paying attention to the color of your clothes. Besides September is still considered summer and it's likely going to be hot summer weather in Italy.

Posted by
9388 posts

LOL. Definitely not an unwritten tradition in the late, great, state of California. Never understood, from a practical POV, the concept of white shoes for anything. The only fashion faux pas in Italy is entering places of worship in shorts, mini skirts or bare shoulders. Respect is expected especially at St. Peter's.

Posted by
8348 posts

Well, I admit to a few rules, business attire: never short sleeve shirts except between Memorial day and Labor Day. Vacation and leisure, usually never jeans (I like lightweight golf pants) Shorts? Only on a beach vacation, then it is only shorts, or less, 24/7, maybe a button up Hawaiian shirt to get a bite to eat. As for white, never. Just never.

Posted by
2203 posts

No rules, but white slacks/capris are not very practical for traveling ... at least not for me. I stick to dark colors that are a little more forgiving if I brush up against or sit on something.

Posted by
1663 posts

I would be more worried about wearing white pants being a dirt magnet than what other people think. As you tour through the day, you will take advantage of sitting anyplace; on a park bench, on short wall, on a curb, train, bus, outdoor cafe, etc., most of which have never been "cleaned" by anything other than rain or the person who sat there before you. Wearing a lighter khaki color will still be cooler than black, and allow dirt to "blend" in.

Posted by
3943 posts

I took my white North Face jacket with me last year - not even out of Heathrow and I managed to get grease or something on the sleeve - thank goodness it washes well, and the place we stayed had a machine - I would have been so bummed to have to wear it. But by the end of our three weeks, it was looking really grungy on the sleeves...don't take white pants...even a white blouse/tshirt would be pushing it...just asking for a coffee stain...or dirt...or spaghetti sauce :)

Posted by
792 posts

The first time I went to Italy (about ten years ago), I was very intimidated. Everyone was very fashionable and I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. But each time I go back, I feel like Italians are starting to dress more casually (like we do) and we are trying to dress up a little more. So just wear what makes you happy and comfortable.

Posted by
795 posts

for ITALIANS, the moment it hits October 1st, they put on a matter what temperature it is....but as long as you won't be frequenting the kitchens of little old ladies that will be worried sick about you catching a cold, dress for the weather :)

Posted by
11525 posts

Linda we don't have rules for clothing in Canada,, thank goodness , you live in a very restrictive place.. lol Now I personally think wear white when ever you like, but the one thing someone else brought up and its so true, is white sucks for travel,, its a wear it once and its grubby looking color.. remember you are sitting on park benches, buses, metros ,, etc.. I would stick to white tops and darker bottoms no matter how hot it is.

Posted by
2551 posts

Here, we don't give a hang for almost any fashion, even for those bachelors wearing tutus as they prepare(?) with much alcohol for marriage.

Posted by
2 posts

Thank you all for all of your advice . . . which has made me rethink what colors I should take while traveling (and to avoid white), even though I was planning to wear the white slacks with colorful tops and jackets in fine-dining establishments some evenings (I'll stick with black instead). Thanks again everyone!

Posted by
30 posts

You've made a wise choice to get info about NOT wearing white while traveling. Happy Adventures!

Posted by
392 posts

The rule even in the US is considered extremely passé. But white is not the best option for any travel for the practical reasons mentioned above.

Posted by
419 posts

Let's keep in mind that "the rule" was only about white shoes, never about white clothing of any kind.

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2297 posts

White pants are certainly fashionable in September in Italy. Dirty white pants are never fashionable anywhere. And that's what I get travelling in white within 5 minutes out of my house ....

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1005 posts

I always try and stick to two colors when packing--black and taupe/khaki and it makes it much easier.