I'm packing for leaving on Wed this week, Oct 23. Been watching WeatherChannel.com and it looks like barely a chance of rain for the next 10 days, and temps in the 70's. Really? Trying to decide if I should bring any long sleeve tops at all! I have packed a sweater and a fleece jacket for nights (looks like the 50's) and of course a rain coat and my umbrella! How is the weather? Is it HOT?
In Rome today - 77. It felt hot and sticky. Been in and about the area for a month. One day of rain and a half a dozen days of overcast. With all the snow in Denver it is going to be hard to come home.
Well I'm not in Florence at the moment, England, but I see the weather maps every day. There have been some real storms in different places in Italy in the past few days. There are some really big lows coming across the Atlantic, and we have had several days of yukkie weather. How these lows affect Italy will depend on if they turn left or right as they hit Europe. Upper atmosphere can be volatile this time of the year in Europe. If I were going to Firenze I'd pack an umbrella.
In Nimes right now and a bit cool (evening) about 65 and a little bit of rain. Weather past 5 days in Barcelona...beautiful about 75. Will be in Florence in about a week, so probably too late to give advice as we will probably be there about the same time:)
Ellen, I am in Orvieto just north of Rome right now. Started to travel to Siena by train this afternoon, but when I and others arrived at Chiusi to change trains, we were told that nothing was passing to Siena because of rain and flooding no trains, no busses, no vans or cars the roads were closed and nothing can pass. So, I have returned to Orvieto for the night, where it is now raining. Fortunately, my same room was available. So, it is raining in wonderful Tuscany and Umbria, and the forecasts I see call for on-and-off rain for at least the next week. I would certainly bring some kind of rain jacket, and maybe umbrella, although vendors with umbrellas appear instantly in bigger cities like Firenze the moment it starts to rain. The temperatures have varied quite a bit from hot and humid to quite chilly. Travel well, there are so many great inside things to do in Firenze, even if the weather isn't great.
@Larry, Sorry to hear that your trip has been disrupted due to weather. I noticed on the Italian news this morning that Tuscany is having bad weather at the moment, but I didn't notice that Siena has been cut off! Hopefully that won't last long. As you'll be spending more time in Orvieto, you could always take a day trip to Civita di Bagnoregio (if you haven't been there before). Good luck!
We were there 2 weeks ago when the weather changed and we got some rain. Be prepared- bring a long sleeved shirt and something that is rain-proof. I wore a light fleece and used an umbrella and was fine. Sounds like you are set, buon viaggio!