Just checking that the best way to handle everyday 'finances' in Rome is with an ATM card? Actually, I would feel safer with 2, with 1 as a backup. Credit cards only for times when I have insufficient Euros, as at the end of a trip?
I'm confused. Your topic title mentions dollars, but your question is about ATM's, euros and credit cards.
Sorry for title confusion. Just clarifying that dollars are only helpful when banks are open and that best to have 2 ATM cards.
Yes, it is definitely better to get cash out of an ATM than to bring your currency and try to exchange it. Even if the banks are open it is better to just get money out of the ATM. I like to have 2 debit cards and a credit card.
Dollars are never helpful in Italy. You need to read a few of the links on this page:
Happy travels.
If you're throwing any money into the Trevi fountain, dollars are cheaper than Euros ;-)
There is no need for dollars in Italy. Use the ATMs. Refuse any "help" from passersby. There is usually an English option, if you need English. Taking two cards is a good idea. Don't be alarmed if your card doesn't work in a random bancomat. Just move down the street to the next one and try again. I have two cards I use only for travel, from two different banks. When I need to use a credit card it is usually for a big ticket item purchase and not at a bancomat. The rates are significant on money extracted using a credit card.
Just a note from my experience: many bancomats are completely out of money after Friday night. I always make sure I have the cash I need before the weekend!
The only time I ever wanted dollars on a trip to Italy is when my overseas flight had mechanical problems and I was stuck in Anchorage without any US money at all. The only ATM in the international terminal was out of order that day. I also only had an Italian cell phone which did not work in the US. Now, I carry some mad money in dollars. When I get to Rome I tuck it away and forget about it until I head home. As for the cell phone, I now use an iPhone with an international plan when I travel.
Mexican centavos are even cheaper, if you want to throw money in the Trevi fountain.
YES, it's a good idea to have at least two ATM cards, in case one malfunctions or whatever (I've had that happen). Having Euro cash in Italy is a good plan, as many smaller restaurants and other establishments may not accept credit cards (although I recommend having at least one CC as well).
I recently was in Italy for a month. I had some cash dollars with me, but never even looked at them while there. I did use some for food during my connection in Philadelphia on the return trip. I also recommend having two Debit cards for getting euros from ATMs, plus a credit card, ideally one with no foreign currency transaction fees.