I haven't gotten any responses for my previous post, so I thought I'd reword my Topic Line!! Has anyone here booked an apartment or room in Cinque Terre through the website http://www.cinqueterreitaly.co.uk/
I was just trying to be sure that it was a legitimate website and not some fake website that might defraud travelers once they paid their deposits. It is a very informative website with attractive apartments and so easy to maneuver. I just did not see any feedback or recommendations. They are asking for a deposit through a Google site, which sounds legitimate. If anybody has any information, please let us know! Thanks
I have gone to Europe the last 10 years and the only deposit I have ever made has been by using a credit card. If some place wants cash, especially for the whole stay, I offer a credit card. Sometimes that works and sometimes it does not. If it does not work I look elsewhere. For this coming September, I used a credit card for a deposit in Frankfurt and Venice both. Good luck in finding the information you are looking for.
http://www.virtualtourist.com/hotels/Europe/Italy/Liguria/Vernazza-140832/Hotels_and_Accommodations-Vernazza-MISC-BR-1.html Didn't see anything negative but only one positive.
Thanks for all the help!! Although I did get some very nice positive feedback from a hotel in Liguria that this website is affiliated with, we decided to book a hotel in Cinque Terre directly. I do believe that this is probably a legitimate booking site, but there were a couple of red flags that we were not able to make peace with, and so we decided to go the safer route. Thanks again for the research and help.