Traveling to Italy with 2, 2-wheel roller carry on bags. We were also planning on using 2 backpacks to store under the seat.
Having second thoughts about the second backpack. One of the backpacks was designated to hold our electronic gear-iPad and cell phone, chargers, cables, Italy elec. adapters. We will be traveling to 6 designations in Italy and it would seem with that amount of traveling by train, we may not be secure with the e-gear on our back?
We may be better off using a small shoulder or sling style chest bag for the e-gear, with the bag portion being in front of me?
Also planning to purchase TSA approved locks for the bags. Any advise as to which style is better? I see some with a small solid metal loop, and others with a short stranded cable to lace through the holes in the zippers.
Thank you!