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Another Great Courses question - Italian language

Has anyone tried the Great Courses - Learning Italian: Step by Step and Region by Region? It's currently on sale for 85% off at $30 - $35 depending on which you buy (regular price is over $200). Not sure how long the sale will last. I wanted to know if anyone has actually tried it and if so, did you like it and learn from it? Unfortunately, it's not available on the Kanopy streaming service I get from my library. I almost feel it's worth it for $35 to just get it, but thought I'd ask on the forum first. Thanks for any feedback!

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656 posts

Yes, I read the site's reviews, thanks. They seemed pretty positive, but I just wanted to see what others on the forum might have experienced.

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17603 posts

I bought that Italian course and am up to Lesson 3. This is not my first Italian course; I have studied Italian off and on since 2012, and have some basic understanding of the language. I like the approach of this teacher a lot. She explains the "why" as well and the "what" , and promotes understanding the grammar rather than simple rote repetition. I'd say it is a good course for beginners, especially if you use the workbook as recommended.

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67 posts

We're just finishing it now and if I were serious about studying Italian, I would buckle down and watch it again. It's heavy on grammar and suitable, I think, for someone who wants to learn Italian for more than casual conversation. Having done the Rosetta Stone basic Italian course, I would recommend that for learning more vocabulary and less grammar, also for the benefit of pronunciation practice with some feedback.

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17603 posts

I just finished Lesson 4 and remembered what Inreally like about this course. The teacher respects the intelligence of her students, and moves pretty fast. You need to spend extra time with the workbook and studying vocabulary in addition to watching the videos.

Rosetta Stone has always seems too slow and repetitive for me.

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6636 posts

Kathy H., we're doing the course now and are on lesson 11. It's not for raw beginners, unless you're really motivated and have some other resources. The lessons move quickly, and there's not much review. I do like the book, as well. Lots of practice exercises that you don't get on the DVD. I'm enjoying it as a review, since I already know some Italian. And I like that the lessons are designed for adults, not high school or college students.

If you have any background at all, I'd go for it at $35. We have the DVD, which also gives us access to the streamed version. And there is a lifetime guarantee! So far, we're well pleased with The Great Courses.

Edit to add: We just bought the Learning French course, as well, but I don't plan to start using it for a while yet.

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29 posts

I don't have knowledge of this course, however, a great way to supplement your learning, is to listen to Italian music, listen to Italian language radio shows that can be found on the internet, watch movies or the shows available on Netlfix or other streaming services.
These will help with the 'ear, the sound' the rythym of the language. Also reading some of the italian newspapers online, such as and others.
you will see how many English language phrases are working their way in to the languge.
These suggestions will likely benefit those with some experience rather than beginners.

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656 posts

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Your comments were very helpful. I decided to go on and order it. I had some Christmas gift money, so figured why not! I know minimal Italian, so hopefully this will help me on my journey with all things Italian. Grazie!

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1076 posts

I got the Pinseur CD’s from the library. I’m finding I have to repeat lessons as it’s not easy to memorize for me! I’m also finding I go back and search the words on the internet as it does help me to see how words are spelled. I can see it in my mind’s eye, when I’m trying to translate from English to Italian. I do like the repetitive nature of it, though.

I have lived in South America for a year, and do know that even if you study a language for years, as soon as you are immersed with native speakers, it takes a long time to acclimate and understand. So, I guess I’m just trying to learn some basics. I know most everyone in the touristy cities speak English, but it’s still fun.

I find it hard to speak Italian without mimicking the accent. Hubbie said it sounds so fake, but it’s really hard to do it in a Midwestern tone. So many inflections and emphasis on vowels are so different.

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1285 posts

It's currently on sale for 85% off at $30 - $35 depending on which you buy (regular price is over $200).

Is there a special code you need to enter to get that price? I looked today and its $80 for the DVD, but I know they often send out codes for extra discounts.

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6636 posts

Kathy H, that link does show $80.

John, the prices do vary from day to day, and there are often special codes. When we bought the French course a couple of weeks ago, the price pinballed around like crazy. I had three different offers at the same time, and had to insert one particular code to get the price I wanted.

I'm sending you a PM.