We are taking the 9 day/Heart of Italy tour: We are planning to fly into Rome the day before the tour starts. I have heard the Angels and Demons Tour is not to be missed. Thoughts?
"not to be missed" is subjective. Are you a fan? Then maybe. You can do this on your own if you want to as well. Everything depends on what interests you how much time you have and the priorities of what you want to see.
Well, you asked. The Angels and Demons book is loaded with just downright inaccurate information about Rome, its history and its art. Dan Brown sacrificed basic research in favor of his storyline, yet he claims in his foreword that all the historical information is factual. See this site for just one of many websites chronicling just some of the many factual errors in that book. The true history and art in Rome is fascinating enough on its own, without needing to view it through the lens of an author who apparently couldn't be bothered to do even the most basic research. The one that jumped out at me when I was reading it was when he has a Vatican priest quote the Prayer of St. Francis, by saying "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change." But that's not the Prayer of S.F. That's the prayer used in AA meetings. The Prayer of SF is "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." Relying on that book to learn about Rome would be like relying on "Springtime for Hitler" from "The Producers" in order to learn about Nazi Germany. There are many, many other tours (guided and self-guided) that are outstanding. I encourage you to seek those out. The RS books have quite a few. And good for you for asking, rather than just relying on what a few people have told you. Happy travels.
What Michael said.