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Ancient Appian Way

While in Rome, I would like to take time to visit the Ancient Appian Way, however I would only be able to visit on a Sunday. From Rick Steves' book I read that the road is closed to "car traffic" on Sunday's. Does this mean the buses do not run along the highway as well?

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23460 posts

No, buses run and unfortunately some cars also. Must be important people. The Archeobus, hop on/off bus, will take you there very conveniently. Rent a bike and ride it. The Archeobus runs both directions on the Appian Way and the public buses cross the Appian Way at different points.

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186 posts

Appian Way is worth a visit! I did it on a Sunday afternoon using the buses. Might want to visit one of the catacombs while in that area.

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1869 posts

I took the Archeobus in late Sept and was very disappointed to learn it now only goes a little way down the Appian Way-basically as far as the Tomb of Cecilia Metella. Also about 1/2 of the guide earphones on the bus did not work. If one of the things you want to see is the Aquaduct Park, Ron in Rome's blog has wonderful directions.

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594 posts

Thanks for the advice. Yes, I consulted roninrome for directions to the aqueduct park. In fact, the plan is to go the aqueduct park first and then spend a little time viewing the appian way.

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2297 posts

Yes, busses do run on Sundays. We've seen cars, too. And some of the catacombs are open as well and definitely worth a visit. However, on Sundays busses run on a reduced schedule and you may end up waiting for an hour for the next one. Consider taking a taxi out there if you're on a tight schedule.

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683 posts

The Via Appia is quite an experience but it is best appreciated by walking upon it. There is transport available to get you there. Turn left after getting off the bus and you go to the Appian Way, go right and you find catacombs