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American in Italy.... finally!!!

This is a response to another post.. in another section... but might be informative for some.

Currently sitting at a bar in Sorrento enjoying aperitivo. This article made up my mind for me!
I took the covid free flight from JFK to Milan. I booked myself a separate flight into JFK, stayed 2.5 days to "enjoy" NYC before leaving for Italy. There are so many test sites in NYC that it was easy to get my required pre-flight test. They actually did both a rapid and a PCR at the same time. I was emailed my results so I knew my rapid came back negative. The next day I went back after my PCR email came in and they printed both for me at the testing site (although I didn't end up needing paper results, the email was fine). The attendant at the beginning of the line (for American Air) checked my results and also my that I had my QR code for my completed online self declaration entry form. On arrival in Milan they direct you immediately to the line to take your rapid test and then you wait for your result (about 15-20 min for me but I was at the front of the plane. And the line to actually get tested wasn't quick so I would suggest paying to be near the front of the plane unless you don't mind waiting). Then you go through customs, get your luggage and you're free to go. I booked my plane tickets about 3.5 weeks ago and the hotels/airbnbs about 2.5-3 weeks ago. I also booked a couple of attraction entrance tickets then as well. But I have found that it was pretty easy to just book some stuff the day before...i.e. the ticket for the Milan Duomo rooftop i booked the day before. But the Last Supper I already had booked and it was sold out for day-of although I would guess you could have found tickets within a day or two. That's probably the best part of being here right now. It's very easy to do all the touristy stuff without having to plan too much in advance. But it's also a little sad. There are, of course, Europeans here but it's really not that busy.... which is great for me but a little sad seeing all the shops and restaurants open but not full of people yet. I rented a scooter and went down the Amalfi Coast today and yesterday and it was pretty easy and congestion free (compared to normal). I really wanted to experience Italy without all the normal tourists and I'm definitely getting that experience. But I am also the only one sitting out on the beautiful terrace (of a grand hotel) overlooking the waters of Sorrento while 6+ servers hang out and talk to each other (the sad part). (P.s. not staying at the hotel... just partaking in the "drinks with a view"). Hopefully this will inspire some of you to jump on a last minute covid free flight and come support bell'Italia!!

Posted by
384 posts

Very Cool! Have fun. It's kind of like a Twilite Zone episode when noone is around.

Isn't it funny crowds are disliked for the most part, but oh how the crowds add to an experience.

Posted by
18 posts

I live in a tourist town... which wouldn't exist without tourist money. Our saying is "stay home but leave your money". It's hard to survive without tourism but when it's too much it's too annoying/ problematic/ crowded/etc. It's definitely a no-win situation. But I've been talking to locals here and they are ready for some tourism dollars. I don't think they got as much help from their government as Americans did. I wish I had more money to spend!!!

Posted by
7504 posts

Thanks for the report

Will be following - where/when are you departing Italy?

Curious about testing before departure from Rome to US, how easy is it to get antigen test in Rome- don't really want to wait til airport as our flight is fairly early in am.

Posted by
18 posts

I will be flying back out of Milan. But I will be in Rome this weekend so I'll try to keep my eyes open for testing sites. I know the train station in Napoli had a testing tent set up although I'm not sure what the requirements and time frame were. I'll try to find out about any i see in Rome. My initial flight home from Milan was early and through London first but BA canceled their flight and so American was left to try to accommodate me on another route so now my flight isn't until 11am.... which is nice. I'm hoping by the time I fly home (June 28) that perhaps my vaccination status will mean I don't have to get tested.... who knows as it's all changing weekly.

Posted by
2218 posts

Thanks for the report!

I too have conflicted feelings. I want our hosts to be successful, but I don't want to be crushed by the madhouse of overtourism.

We pretty much solve this by going either in shoulder months or in the off season. We had a wonderful trip to Tuscany in December a few years ago. The weather was comfortable and there were no crowds. The only downside is the evening came early.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. We are already scheming.

Posted by
7504 posts

Thanks- appreciate any insight you can share. We are flying in to Milan, out of Rome in September. Flight departs at 9:45 non-stop- I figure we need to be at airpot that am by 5:45/6 to deal with extra paper work etc.
TBH I don't expect the CDC to drop the re-entry testing requirement by then- if they do that would be awesome. I think if anything we'll be able to enter Italy with proof of vaccination and no need for multiple tests- but I don't know anything more than anyone else. Just guessing ;)

Posted by
102 posts

Thank you for posting this. Enjoy your travels. We hope to be there in September.

Posted by
137 posts

Just another thank you.
It's great to get up to date, first hand experiences and information

Posted by
1217 posts

You said you flew American out of JFK. When you booked your flight, was it designated a Covid tested flight? How did you know? We are having a problem booking one out of Dallas. They show the non stop flight, it just doesn't designate Covid Tested so we aren't sure.

Posted by
1217 posts

Are you planning on going to any other countries besides Italy? Just wondering about crossing borders.

Posted by
18 posts

I don't remember it specifying "covid free flight", but everything i read said the jfk- Milan and jfk- rome routes were special covid free flights. When trying to book it kept routing me through Dallas and I knew that, at the time, that was not an authorized covid flight yet. So I booked separate tickets to make sure I was on the correct flight. I would look at American's social media/ news updates for info on the Dallas flight and whether or not it is now covid free. Also, maybe try the Italian ministries website and see if they have answers on there as to which flights you can take.

I'm here just over 3 weeks and had thought about trying to visit friends in either Berlin or Barcelona. Because my flight home is from Milan I'd have to re-enter Italy. If you've been in a A, B or C list country (essentially Europe/ Schengen) for at least 14 days then you are fine to leave and re-enter. If, however, you were in D+ countries the previous 14 days (which is US) then you cannot re-enter without quarantine, whether or not your initial entry was on a covid free flight. But each EU cottura has its own entry rules. Looks like getting to Berlin would be more difficult (and require quarantine?) than getting to Barcelona. And of course, I could fly straight home from those countries without re-entering Italy (with my negative test result). This all may change soon with the EU vaccination certification process and with Italy loosening its restrictions currently (this month many things are changing). Hope this helps.

Posted by
1217 posts

Helps a lot. Going to sit back and see what happens. Thanks!

Posted by
8558 posts

We plan to spend 16 days in Italy prior to taking a transatlantic cruise home.
However, Italy is still not open to Americans with vaccinations (that may change soon). We could still book a special COVID free flight there.
Still, currently, the masking requirements for Italy (hope they change) require us to wear masks inside and outside.
Most of the USA has gone to not requiring masking inside or outside (except on flights) and we are used to this freedom.
We are rethinking going to Italy if we have to wear a mask all the time.

Posted by
3653 posts

" However, Italy is still not open to Americans with vaccinations (that may change soon)."

I don't think that is true, as there are people posting here who are actually there right now!
IE: Bill, Snowboardchic99, etc.

Also, Sarah Murdoch, of "Adventures with Sarah",( she is an ex Rick Steves Guide), is there right now too.
She posts live updates each day on FB, and is currently in Florence.
However, she also has an Irish passport, so may be using that.

Posted by
7504 posts

Vaccination status is irrelevant at this time
Only those arriving on approved COVID tested flights are exempt from quarantine

Posted by
394 posts

Could you share what all the covid tests cost? I have booked the round trip JFK to Milan. Depart September 12,return September 26.
I am hopeful that by that time all that is required is proof of Vaccination but who knows??
I do have in addition to my vaccination paper card a document with a QR code linked to the state health department that verifies the vaccination.

Posted by
18 posts

The tests in NYC didn't cost anything. I'll see what happens when I leave Milan. I'm seeing tents and pharmacies in Rome that are advertising around 25 euros. Things are changing quickly over here. Rome area is supposed to be masks no matter what, even when outdoors, but there are lots of people walking around without them on and I haven't seen a single police officer say anything to anyone. You definitely still need them indoors and on transportation. I think they'll keep lessening the restrictions as long as there aren't issues with the new variants here. They're still a long way behind the U.S. with their vaccinations. But I'm hearing that maybe in July vaccination status might make a difference when traveling here (i.e. no more worry about being on specific flights). We'll see!