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Amalfi to Salerno

Need to get from Amalfi to Salerno. What's the quickest way? I'm in Amalfi at 9 AM, and have to catch a train at the Salerno train station at 10:30. Do I hire a private driver?

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26 posts

There is no train between Amalfi and Salerno. It's the boat, car or bus. I don't thInk there is a ferry from Amalfi to Salerno before you have to be on the train. I haven't checked the bus schedule, but, if that first bus is late or too crowded for you to catch you might miss your train. I think I would look into a car service.

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755 posts

Barry - there are frequent buses from Amalfi to Salerno. You should be able to get there in time for your train.

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6898 posts

The bus journey to Salerno from Amalfi takes 1hr 15min. There is a bus that departs at 9:00am that arrives in Salerno at 10:15. But, buses run as early as 5:15am. There are earlier runs if you can be at the bus stop earlier than 9:00am. You leave us with a mystery of why you are in Amalfi at 9:00am and not earlier. Earlier buses are at 7:50, 8:05 and 8:30. Students going to school may be on some of these earlier buses.

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5 posts

Thanks for the quick replies! Here's the reason for the time crunch: I'm on a week-long tour of the Amalfi Coast with a travel group known as GEEO.
We're based in Furore for the duration of the trip, as we explore the region. At the end, we are driven to Amalfi to end the tour, as we all head our separate ways. We'll be dropped off in Amalfi at 9 AM. My wife and I want to head to Sicily by train, and the train leaves Salerno at 10:30. If we miss that train, there is no other one until 4 hours later, which will get us into Catania quite late. Only have a couple of days in Sicily as it is, just want to see Mount Etna while we are "in the area".

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755 posts

Have you thought about flying to Catania from Naples? I flew there from Rome, and it was a short flight. I haven't checked flights out of Naples, but maybe that would be easier for you and certainly quicker.

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5 posts

Yes, we checked into it, but way too expensive, over $500 for two of us, and we'd be arriving in Catania even later, so the train seems like the best bet for us. Thanks for the suggestion, though, Rachele!