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Amalfi Coast Ferry

My hsuband and I are keen cyclists and planning to rent bikes in Salerno and cycle part of the Amalfi Coast. Is it possible to cycle one way, say to Amalfi or Postiano, and then return on the ferry or bus?... ie. will the ferry or bus transport our bikes. I suspect this is more likely on the ferry, but does anyone have any experience with this?

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3313 posts

Stella - no one has answered you in a day, so I'll try. The buses can be crowded and the storage space is in compartments below. I think storing a bike would be tough.

You might have better luck on ferries, again depending on how crowded they are. Typical ferries aren't that big. Hydrofoils would be better but their schedules and destinations are limited. Sorry to not be of more help.

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3 posts

Thanks, Doug. I rather suspected the buses would not have bike racks - here in Canada most cities have buses that take bikes on a rack on the front of the bus. I think what we'll do is to try and get a ride on a ferry early in the morning and then ride back. At least then we won't be stuck late in the day with no way to get back to Selerno if the ferry won't take us. If we don't get a ride one way we just won't go so far.