I am presently planning a wedding anniversary trip for my husband and me to Italy in October. Planning on 4/5 days in Rome to visit surrounding towns, then head to Amalfi coast for another 4/5 days. we have option of going during very beginning or very,end of October 10/23- 11/3) Fares are definitely lower at end of month but I'm wondering about both the weather and availability of open restaurants, hotels, possible boat trips, etc at that time of year. Any suggestions appreciated.
The fares are probably cheaper at the end of October as fewer people want to go there due to the higher risk of cooler, wetter weather etc.
I would go early October.
The ferrys tun thru October 31 st weather permitting.
You will probably have better weather in the earlier part of the month.
I've been to the Amalfi coast towards the end of October, I think about Oct. 25-28 in 2015. I had a bit of drizzle one morning, but otherwise the weather was glorious and the crowds minimal. Everything was open.
I also just got back from a second trip to the area (travel with school age kids means summer travel or no travel). It was HOT! The trick to beating the weather and crowds is to get out and do things early. I was expecting the crowds to be horrid from things I had heard, but it was fine as long as we got moving early.